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Ideas portal

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Proxy Voting: Public Portal Use

It would be great if we could use proxy voting on a public facing ideas portal but have the proxy voting display only for internal users (i.e., like a private comment). Our use case is that we run a system with multiple versions of an application ...
Elizabeth Wakefield over 4 years ago in Voting 4 Unlikely to implement

Add voting limitation by company/email domain

As a user, I would like to have the ability to define number of votes available by the company or email domain of my portal users, so that I can provide a balance between larger and smaller customers. Our client sizes can vary significantly, so wh...
Norah Brennan about 7 years ago in Voting 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow portal users to edit Organization object fields in the portal

Who would benefit? Portal users and users that manage submitted portal ideas What impact would it make? Vastly reduce manual effort in managing submitted ideas and understanding which Organizations request an idea. The manual effort in keeping fie...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

As a PM I would like to add badging capabilities to give incentive to external customers and prospective customers to submit new ideas and comment on existing ideas logged in AHA.

Offering extrernal ideation is worthless if people do not use the tool. If AHA provides comanies a way to reward end users through regonition for contributions based on volume, quality of detail, implemention success or other criteria users will b...
Karla Carpenter over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow user to be deleted through API

Currently user can be only disabled through API. however there is no way to delete users from the portal no matter if they are disabled or enabled. Please add Delete option in the api for the user object.
Guest about 8 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Add permissions at the product-level without granting product line permissions

We work with partners to help us develop products (external development team) and we want them to have access to Aha and the ability to respond to Todos and Comments. Today, if you are a viewer or reviewer, you see the offering you are assigned al...
Guest almost 8 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow Non-Admin Product Owners to Configure Product-Specific Ideas Portals

We need Product Owners to have full rights to configure their Ideas Portals (without giving them account Admin rights). From what I can tell, to do the necessary level of Idea Portal config, you have to be an Admin - this is prohibitive because it...
Molly Brandau almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Unlikely to implement

For JWT SSO, don't overwrite updated values for First Name, Last Name, etc.

Typically in SSO JIT flows, the metadata about the user, for example First Name and Last Name, are used during User Creation (JIT from SSO), not subsequent User Authentication. For example, if I edit a user in the Admin side, and put in their prop...
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

To-do list default for Ideas Assessment

A default to-do list default for Ideas Assessment. This will help when you have a big team of Product Managers to evaluate the Ideas. The default To-do list will help to make sure the workflow consistent and ideas will be evaluated from the same a...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Need a user role to only view the idea portal and not be able to add an idea

Need a user role to only view the idea portal and not be able to add an idea. We have users that we don't want them to add idea but we do want them to view and search
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement