Please allow custom colors to be set for cell background tables like in other parts of the system (text, reports, etc). Specifically the ability to type in a custom hex#, pre-set colors are currently the only option. This includes tables in presen...
Kalyndra Craven
about 3 years ago
in Presentations
Likely to implement
When you export a presentation and open it in a new tab, to change each slide you click anywhere. However, if you use the hover over feature, or try to copy and paste text from the presentation, because of the click settings it just goes to the ne...
about 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Allow drill down into 'Related' records on Presentations and Webpage share
We attach a lot of ideas and/or features to epics, initiatives, and goals. That level of granularity is not needed in the presentation itself or the initial webpage view, in which we display only high level planning objects (initiatives, epics, go...
Love the Aha blog articles of new features. Would be cool to be able to do a lightweight version in Aha with presentations & secure website additionally with some sort of table of contents/navigation or listing previous posts
Joe Hart
about 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Shared presentation access controls, or nested presentations
I want to create a presentation to convey high level information about different groups working in Aha, and I want each group maintaining their section. I want the content of this presentation to meet certain guidelines, for example: a certain sli...
James Compton
over 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
We have a lot of reports and presentations, and a lot of collaborators too. One of my collaborators accidentally deleted a presentation (despite the warnings) and now I have to remake it. It would be helpful to have an "archive" or a "trash bin" w...
Nadim Sobhani
over 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration