We like the new presentation theme functionality and think it is a great way to professionalize our presentation. Nevertheless it would be extremely helpful to be able to add more master slides that just one "title" slide and one "body" slide. We ...
Rebecca Schneider
over 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Our company would like to implement a standardized theme for the presentations, but we need Source Sans Pro and Source Sans Pro Semibold to align with our PowerPoint templates outside of Aha!
over 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Highlight Market Areas What is the impact? Better Visibility for Growth potential Describe your idea have a template per country to highlight market areas etc.
9 months ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
We are sharing roadmaps externally and only want to display quarters of when work will be completed while still maintaining the roadmap view. We need a way to ensure when hovering over an initiative bar that internal dates do NOT show. This is cri...
Blake Falanga
almost 2 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Horizontal scrolling for roadmaps in presentations
When I share a roadmap in a presentation or webpage, I would like to set the zoom level on the timeline and allow the viewer to scroll horizontally. Currently, when I share a roadmap in a presentation, it only displays the dates that are currently...
Kelly Sebes
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Ability to retitle table of contents in presentations
If you are not using the native header for a slide in presentations, slides within the table of contents merely appear as "Slide #". As your presentation gets longer, it is challenging to quickly navigate around slides without the title or name ap...
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Need ability to create elegant document outputs like Word Doc or PDF
One thing holding us back from completely transitioning out of our existing requirements management tool is our inability to export requirements in a document style that is easy to consume and read…. IE, I want to have elegant introductions, image...
Laura Bednasz
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Allow users to add comments on published presentations
Actually, logged users can add comments on presentations inside Aha! but it may be interesting to allow non-Aha! users to comment a published presentation (public URL, restricted by password or not). Visually, it may be simply a Comments icon over...
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Automate or pre-schedule capturing of snapshots of presentation slides
It would be great if we could automate the timing of the snapshot. As of right now, I preload a bunch of slides with the report we are using for time-tracking and take snapshots at weekly intervals. Pre-loading/snapshotting isn't a time sink per s...
Katrina Purcell
almost 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration