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Showing 256 custom domain for Aha

Large B2B companies that would like to share their roadmaps/ideas with external stakeholders. There will be more trust in following the link that has the company name as the domain in the URL.
Victor Lavrentyev about 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Enable sharing roadmaps and reports internally in Atlassian Confluence

Hello, we have this error coming from our server version of Confluence when using plugin to show reports: UI within plugin: refused to connect. Chrome console: Refused to display '
Daniel Pokrývka over 4 years ago in Presentations 2 Will not implement

When sharing a presentation externally I would like to be able to target to specific external customer via an email address and include a time limit (expiration date).

I have created a product overview presentation that includes descriptions of cool new features. I want to share this presentation with "select" prospects but don't want them to share with my competitors. I would like to target presentation to spec...
Guest over 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Phases and Milestones view's visible fields on presentations

It would be helpful to be able to edit phases and milestones view's visible fields similar to what can be done for releases, features, etc. When adding phases and milestone views to presentations the entire record view is added. Many times one nee...
Reut Levi over 4 years ago in Presentations 3 Future consideration

Allow resizing of the Release Phase Column & Reorder Release Phases on Release Details Page

1. Allow resizing Release Phase Column on the Release Details Page Quite frequently our Release Phase names are longer than the default width of the Release Phase column on the Release Details Page. E.g. "Planning Sprint 0 (TFS-0)" does not fit o...
Alex B almost 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Aha! Presentation for digital signage - full screen

We use presentations from Aha! to show progress on roadmaps in the office on digital signage (big TVs on the walls) and when presenting there are black vertical lines on either side and the footer menu. We would like to have a mode selection on pr...
Vegard Bergom Lunde about 5 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Ability in Presentations to add a custom field as a separate object

Recently, the ability to select a specific section of an Aha! view was added, however, for a view that has multiple fields, in our case Initiatives, the selected fields do not scale to take the full size of the screen, hence making this enhancemen...
Yan D-Beaurivage over 5 years ago in Presentations 2 Unlikely to implement

Auto-Format Presentations when adding Views to the Slide

When you have multiple views on a slide, if data is added (live/push update) and that view expands - it overwrites anything else on the page. This to me seems like a product defect. As Views expand, the page should automatically push down/up the i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Will not implement

Ability to mark notes as processed

Notes are great for capturing quick insights regarding specific products. When reviewing notes and distilling them down to actionable items, it would be useful to be able to mark them as "processed" and be able to filter them out of the notes view
Matija Abicic about 6 years ago in Presentations 1 Unlikely to implement

Attachment Links In Notebooks

With the change in the notebooks if you share a feature to a notebook the files are not accessible because the "feature" is simply an image. We put mock ups and prototypes as attachments to the features and I now have to figure out a different way...
Nicole Hardin about 6 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists