Please allow us to generate a secure link that is accessible until an "Expiration Date". This would allow us to share links with external customers. And also so that the link will not work if forwarded. This gives us an option to share the present...
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Please can give us the option to set the default security option of the presentation? Currently if Enhanced security is set to allow the Product Owner/Contributor to set the security level...the default option is: "Anyone with the secure URL can a...
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Show what presentations a view belongs to in the "export" button
As a user wanting to put my views and reports into presentations, I want to be able to see what presentations any view or report has already been used in, By looking in the "export" button, So that I don't accidentally add a view multiple times, o...
Max Cascone
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
When adding views to a presentation, I'd like the ability to always have them set to the refresh mode I want. Currently, they always get set to "refresh on update" and I almost always want them to be "Live View". This could be set at the product/l...
Max Cascone
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
I like the ability to snapshot, but it is very limited. I like to see the following abilities for snapshot
Provide an option when taking a snapshot to create a copy of the report and add it automatically to the notebook. Saves time navigating awa...
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Headers are frozen in reports when you scroll, but then that same report in a presentation does not have the header frozen so when you scroll you have no context
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Show legend in exports (Charts) only when set to show in the chart itself.
Within Ideas / Charts - Export functionality
You see the button “Legend”, you click to show, which is good, only export the legend when you have selected the button to “show” the legend, if not set/clicked, do not export.
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Need ability to create elegant document outputs like Word Doc or PDF
One thing holding us back from completely transitioning out of our existing requirements management tool is our inability to export requirements in a document style that is easy to consume and read…. IE, I want to have elegant introductions, image...
Laura Bednasz
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
I'm missing the zoom slider which can be found above the roadmap in the normal roadmap view in the presentation website view!Would be great to be able to share a presentation website and let users also zoom into the roadmap...
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement