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Competitor chart view does not update in presentations

When adding the competitor chart view to a presentation it does not ujpdate when you refresh it.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Disable Changing to the Next Page in Presentation by Click Left Mouse Button

In Presentation mode, clicking on the left mouse button anywhere on the screen changes it to the next page. I understand that you are trying to make this easier for a presenter to change pages vs clicking the arrows on the bottom right corner. It'...
Anthony Lau about 3 years ago in Presentations 1 Unlikely to implement

Ability to copy formatting from one cell of a table to another

more efficient to copy formatting from one cell to another
Guest over 3 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Ability to delete rows from table in presentations

would allow more flexibility with cleanup of tables within a presentation
Guest over 3 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Re-use "Visible fields" configuration on slides

I am currently providing Master Feature details on presentation slides which I share within my organization. Each slide holds a specific Master Feature. For each Master Feature I would like to show the same "Fields". Currently, on each slide I nee...
Gunnar Giesinger over 3 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Presentation: Simplify addition of content outside of Aha (text, etc.)

In order to use Aha for full presentations, I would like the ability to add additional content (text, etc.).
Guest over 3 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Ability to add a label to the blank results in a Graph or Chart

When creating a graph or a chart where there are empty or blank results. Aha! gives that result a colour with no name. Instead , allow the user to add a label, or by default it label it as blank.
Andrew Brooks almost 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

For Presentations using the 'No layout' option for slides, need the ability to edit the table of contents

So that the table of the content looks more professional
Tom Gallo almost 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Expose Access to Prior Snapshots for Viewers of Presentations

As a product manager building presentations in Aha!, I need my audience to be able to easily refer to previous states of plans that I have created snapshots of, so that change over time can be referenced easily, without putting multiple snapshots ...
Dan Molloy about 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Let me give snapshots nicknames

As a product manager getting all of my updates ready for a management review meeting where an Aha! presentation will be reviewed, I need the ability to give snapshots a nickname like "Q1 2020 Management Review" so that I can easily keep track of t...
Dan Molloy about 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration