Provide the ability to automatically deliver presentations in PDF/Link form via e-mail on a scheduled basis. For example, I may have a presentation representing the current status of a release, what's left to finish, and the projected deliverables...
Aaron Bawcom
about 10 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Color Palate for recently used colors (especially custom colors!)
Similar to MS Word or PPT, it would be nice to have the ability to see the colors I recently used in a "palate" like format. We use a lot of custom colors and have to look up and continuously type in the number.
Allow drill down into 'Related' records on Presentations and Webpage share
We attach a lot of ideas and/or features to epics, initiatives, and goals. That level of granularity is not needed in the presentation itself or the initial webpage view, in which we display only high level planning objects (initiatives, epics, go...
Unfortunately 50 slides is not enough for the information that is required in our annual roadmap presentation to our board. I was disappointed to see that the presentation limits a user to only 50 slides. While I'd love to have our presentation me...
crystal wilson
about 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
When preparing a presentation, if you accidentally delete a slide, there is no way to restore it. It would be great to have a recycle bin concept for deleted slides in a presentation that could allow you to restore a deleted slide. You could also ...
about 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Allow users to add comments on published presentations
Actually, logged users can add comments on presentations inside Aha! but it may be interesting to allow non-Aha! users to comment a published presentation (public URL, restricted by password or not). Visually, it may be simply a Comments icon over...
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Copy Presentation - Create New Views (save me 30 hours of work)
I created a release template for universal use in the company. I also created an example Presentation that uses all the elements in the release template. Sometimes the Standard Company template requires updates, causing an update to all products. ...
Frank Fuchs
about 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Footer divider customisation > Presentation to pdf
When creating presentations we have the ability to customise the colour and size of the header divider. This is great as it allows us to follow branding in relation to colour etc. When you publish the presentation to pdf it automatically adds a fo...
Dan Jeffery
almost 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Was thrilled with all of the presentation upgrades and then completely disheartened when I realized you still can't remove a legend. When doing reports for presentations often the coloring is more about getting the look of the report correct. The ...
Nicole Hardin
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration