ability to have "does not equal" in a multiselect filter
I want to be able to see features that do NOT have a certain tag (for example) or other similar fields. For example, we are putting a tag on items that have passed a certain validation, and I need to have a report on items that do not have this ta...
Jennifer Lange
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Please add the ability to filter Parking Lot Releases from Custom Reports
Right now, it appears that I can only do this by filtering out Parking Lot releases by Release Name. It would be beneficial to have an option at the top of the selection list of releases called "Is Parking Lot?" and if checked, the report filters ...
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Allow contributors to be able to save a report into folder
When a contributor is saving a report, they are not given the option to save the report into a folder at that point - they can select who can have access to it and the access level but they cannot select the folder at this point. They have to do t...
Amy Lackas
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Similar how you can hide initiatives from reports and charts, it would be nice to hide goals as well. Sometimes, depending on the audience, it is inappropriate show show certain goals.
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
I make pie charts for time spent in initiatives. The initiatives will only be ordered in the key alphabetically though. I'd like to be able to order them by rank, score, or even by value that I'm looking to report on. So if I make a chart with ini...
Jaclyn Fine
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
We like the report view that shows all the release milestones on a timeline. It would be great if shipped milestones showed the green tick mark like they do in the Portfolio view.
almost 9 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
When using a dashboard and filtering by quarterly plan, the drop down displays the quarters associated with the selected workspace - as expected. However, when the drop down is not 'dropped down', it is showing a quarterly plan from a different w...
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists