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Roadmap timeline view with separate rows for each product

We really like the Roadmap timeline view to show select Releases and select Features, along with themes. Can we have the ability to show releases for each product on a separate line (coloring releases of each product is not enough). Currently, rel...
Guest about 10 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Idea velocity chart

It'd be awesome if you could support a view of idea completion like the following:
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Remove Flash-based reports for all users

Flash is a significant security concern for our organization. We can't disable it on the user side due to grandfathered apps, but we cannot introduce new applications that leverage Flash
Guest almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Weekly Summary Email Includes Edited Features as Active Features

As a Product Manager, I want stakeholders of my Product to receive a weekly notification of the features that I have created, deleted, or edited within the past week, so they can see which features are actively being developed and investigated as ...
Ben Hampton over 7 years ago in Reports 6 Already exists

Filter fields on "Organization" by "does not contain"

Currently, custom fields on objects like Organization and Proxy Votes can be filtered by "contains", "is blank", and "is not blank". But there are a fair number of reports that we need to filter by fields that have many different values, wherein w...
Kellen Hawley over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Pivot Tables Sort A to Z or Z to A for Calculated Columns

As a user, I want to sort the calculated columns in my pivot table from A to Z or Z to A.
Amelia Peklar over 1 year ago in Reports 6 Already exists

Competitive Analysis Table

It would be extremely helpful to see a summary all of the competitor attributes (e.g. Products, Key Features, Revenue, Rates, etc...) in a table where you can also insert the like attributes of of your own product. The table should have attributes...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Html embedded reports

It would be helpful to be able to embed lists, pivot tables, charts, timelines, hierarchies in an iframe so that they can be embedded into wikis / live documentation, I know you can export images and pdfs but this means that every time the informa...
Wayne Allan about 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Enable sorting of workflow status groups in the Feature Report

Currently the feature report has the option to include Status and groups features by status, but the status entries themselves are not logically ordered so that a user has to search to find the correct grouping. Ideally these would display in the ...
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Ability to include dependent features on Pivot reports

Have an ability to show the feature dependencies on the pivot report alongside other information we want to track instead of checking a separate Dependency report.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists