I would like to see additional filters in the new Pivots which we use in the older one:
-Filter on Release quarter (internal and external) since we sometimes just want to see the next 'x' quarters.
-Filter on Goal name since we use these to track ...
I can see the need for generating timelines and reports against a fiscal year, but there are times when it would be more useful (or friendly to a particular report audience) to generate timelines against a calendar year. It would be great to be ab...
We typically produce detailed roadmaps that list every feature that's going to be released sorted in columns by release and quarter and in rows by the feature type (ie is it operational or a functional feature or a pricing change). While aha.io le...
Roadmap > Pivot > Include Feature Assigned To as dimension field
As a quick report on the number (count) of assigned features or requirements to users, it would be very useful to have the "Assigned to" (feature and requierments) dimensions to use as columns or rows.
Alejandro Blaas
over 9 years ago
in Reports
We use Aha! Releases to represents our Scrum Sprints.
We lack the ability to create longer term milestones.
1. to mark scope for MVP, or scope for GA - Mark a set of features/initiatives should be completed by this milestone. Monitor progress agai...
When creating initiatives for the roadmap there are times when initiatives are planned but end up being canceled. This can happen for any number of reasons. When creating reporting for the year and a visual of the roadmap, I still want to be able ...
Loving the Kanban board, but with us up-leveling many of our efforts to initiatives, I'm wanting the same view for initiatives.
There are two ways I could see this working, and to be honest I'd love to get both:
Add an Initiative representation t...
Stagger release content boxes on two rows in timeline view
The timeline view tends to be very wide but not very high. When this is the case, I'd like the timeline to stagger the feature boxes at two alternating vertical heights so that they require less horizontal space. This would give the timeline an as...