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New pivot tables truncate due to lack of filters

When I create a new pivot table, and use the big + button to add my own custom pivot report, it always has too much data, takes forever to run, and truncates the data. Why? Because I wasn't able to add any filters to show only my product. By defau...
Jonathon Leeke almost 9 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Reports -> Pivot or list view: Collapse/expand filters and add "select all" and "select none" buttons

The ability to filter to customize the pivot table (and list views) is great, but there can often be so many available filters it's hard to sift through them. Please add a collapsed view and the ability to select all (or none). Additionally, it wo...
Suzanne Vaughan about 9 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Roadmap Pivot view with two values in a cell

Currently, we can have Products as rows, Quarters as columns and either Releases or Features in the cell. Can we have both Releases and Features in the same cell, with Release as a mini-heading and Features below?
Guest almost 10 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Support adding custom table fields to roll-up records in reports

I have a report with roll-up goals and initiatives. Currently, I can add any field from these records to the report, except for custom table fields.
Chrissi McNamara over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Make Prioritization Header Sticky

I have hundreds of potential Epics and thousands of Features/Bugs to prioritization. When scrolling down the list, I lose track of which scorecard metric im editing. See attached examples. Idea: Make the table column names or header row sticky
Josh Glasser almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Change default dashboard panel size

When you add a panel (report) to a dashboard, the default size is really annoying. It is always massively too big. The user experience would be much better if the default size was smaller) - and this would also make it much easier to resize.
Julie Edwards about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Charts: Standardize Color for Blank values (RE: Sync Colors)

Right now, when the "sync color" button is selected in chart settings to apply tag colors to a chart automatically, blank values are assigned a random color. At best, this makes charts displeasing to the eye and mis-matched across a dashboard. At ...
Marcie Gardner almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Allow scrolling on dashboard widgets when shared as a Webpage

When sharing a dashboard as a Webpage to stakeholders, the individual widgets do not scroll. This makes it appear to stakeholders as if what is displayed 'above the fold' on the report is the only data available, when there is usually more data av...
Kalyndra Craven almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Colors on dashboard charts for status/series - use workflow colors defined for that status

In the dashboard, I want to have several pie charts, showing status of initiatives and features for this quarter & next - so that it is easy to see at a glance how initiatives and features are progressing. I've been able to setup colors manual...
Jill Collins about 4 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

From the Report view, be able to Add to Dashboard as you are able to Add to Presentation

I created a new report. Then wanted to add it to my Dashboard, same as I have done for the presentation. And I couldn't use the export selection in the top right. As a Reports/Dashboard user, I would like to easily add a report to the dashboard fr...
Pamela Thomas about 4 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped