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Improve display of the Iniative > Feature hierarchy in pivots

If I add Initiatives and Features to the Cells section of a pivot table (not Rows or Columns), the display is a little funny. It lists all the features and prepends the Initiative with a dash in between. It would be better to see more of a hierarc...
Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Build a list of initiatives

Can I have a List or Pivot of Initiatives? Currently those things are based on Feature records. If I try to use Initiatives as the cell value, then it shows multiples (since there are multiple underlying features with those initiatives). Please gi...
Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Display duration in reports

It would be helpful if reports->timeline could display the duration of a feature or release. i.e. this release is 8 weeks. (Just the end date-start date). Helps in planning.
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to build reports around ideas without requiring they be promoted to features

We have been wanting this feature for some time. We leverage intakes across our entire organization allowing numerous people to put in new ideas to our Product teams. We then use these idea lists to vet them out and bubble up to our executives for...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

Influence the way date are shown

With a release, you can set the external date to show an exact date or the week, or even the month. I would like to have the same option with dates in reports. E.g. when showing feature due dates, only show the month, instead of an exact date (in ...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 2 Unlikely to implement

Option to shift the display order of Parking Lot Releases in the Reports -> Pivot view

In the new Reports Pivot, it is possible to add parking lot "releases" but when displayed in conjunction with other releases, the Parking Lot release shows up in the leftmost column. The request is for the ability to customize the order and have t...
Matt Case over 9 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Pivot Table "Initiative" filter should group initiatives by project, just like Feature List Initiative Filter

If I use the "Initiative Filter" on the Features > List screen, the initiatives are broken out by Product/Family. But when I use the "initiative Filter" on the Roadmap > Pivot Table view, it shows "all initiatives" in alphabetical order, reg...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

show feature status for roadmap items marked "Not Shown In Notebook"

when you unselect a feature on a roadmap so that it will "not show in notebook", it moves to a section below the items that are shown grouped by status. Just because I don't want something shown in the notebook, doesnt mean that I don't want to kn...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature List "Initiative Filter" menu should reflect initiative "roll-up" for group selection

The "Initiative" filter on the Feature List page treats all groups of initiatives as "equal". It would be really nice if it would display based on the initiative roll-up, and then automatically select all the 'child' initiatives when setting the f...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow blocking off time periods when release should not be shipped (promoted to production).

In our operations, we have some periods where no changes are permitted in production. It would be beneficial to add blackout periods so that any release dates within the blackout periods can be highlighted/reported.
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement