I would like to be able to include a "last updated" field in reports based on a system captured date. For example, in a report viewing all active initiatives, I’d like to pull the date the Summary field (for example) was last updated. This would a...
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Lead times (created to done) and cycle times (in progress to done) are the flow management tools used with a kanban practice. We mostly use these for Goal and Initiative records. Currently creating list report and export for charting in excel.
Richard M
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Filter choice for Due date to include next x number of days
We need a way to have a generic report that includes all items with a due date in the next number of days (in our case 1 year) we want this dynamic so we don't have to change the filter on the saved report continually.
David G
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Please allow me to use 'calculated fields' in non-List report types. There's a great many times I want to report on derived data of some kind, however right now I can only use calculated fields in "List" reports. For example, I want to make a pie ...
Haddon Fisher
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Using filters in reports is a confusing and painful experience, specifically: There are times when I want to set a filter and not have a drop-down on my report for people to tinker with because changing it would negate the purpose of the report. F...
Haddon Fisher
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
In Pivot Reports we can display roll-up initiatives and initiatives - awesome. But sorting...
I use a pivot report for reporting out on the progress of Roll-up Initiatives Initiatives Epics Features are my cells This is very nice. I note that we end up using the Initiative and refer indriectly to the Roll-Up-Initiative name as a field. The...
Joseph Flynn
about 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
If I want more than a magic quadrant chart (like a different kind of bubble chart), it would be helpful to be able to show logos as a label on the custom chart instead of a text label.
Mike Mitchell
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Enable values to be visualised using icons/graphics
We would like to select icon sets to visualise values in a report, for example from excel. This would greatly increase value of Aha! reports/presentations.
Chris Brooks
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists