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Showing 162

Allow the ability to leverage Master Features in Reporting

There are reports such as stater, portfolio, stories that are in the reporting section. They do not have the ability to add Master Features into the report which hinders our ability to show when something is planned over our Release Train/Program ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Features Roadmap - Move release date through UI element

Currently in the features roadmap, there is a dot on the timeline to show release date. Similar to other roadmaps, I would like to drag this dot to change the release instead of having to click into the release and change the date. \
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 3 Unlikely to implement

Dependency visualisation across all product related feature

Would be great to have a visualisation of all feature dependencies within a product. Right now the dependency visualisation exist between features, but that cannot be used to map all feature dependencies within a product.
Christian Pryds over 6 years ago in Dependencies / Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Mock ups as an available column when reporting on Features

We are trying to enforce change management needs by requiring production changes have a screen shot of the new / edited feature. We are doing this at the Feature artifact by asking our users to ensure the Feature has this prior to updating the Fea...
Brian Good over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Use the same field twice in a report

I have a list of stories with a field “Teams” that can contain many teams. I would like to do a custom report, where I see all the teams as column, but since many teams can work on the same story, I also want to Teams field to show in the cell.
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Enhance Trend report to include projected/forecasted line

This idea to suggest an enhancement the 'Trend' Report type to include an additional generated future trend line to forecast where the trend of existing data is headed. The screenshot below has a green dotted line to illustrate how the proposed fo...
Tom Bailey almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Fix the Unnecessary Redirect to New Report Behavior after Deleting a Report from the Details View

There’s a strange navigation behavior in the Reports Dashboard that causes additional navigation work. When I’m looking at the Reports Dashboard in the row details view ( for reports created by me...
Chris Horne almost 7 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Report filter additional date parameters (Last X weeks and next X weeks)

As an Aha! user I want to setup a two weekly reports which show: Releases with a release date in the next two weeks (eg this week or next week) Releases with a release date in the past two week (eg last week or the week before that) (both of the...
Tom Bailey almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Starter Roadmap: Features not reflected with their goals

When creating a starter roadmap, if you add two goals, then add a release, and then add the features within the release - if feature 1 associated to just goal 1 and feature 2 is associated to just goal 2, this is not reflected in the starter roadm...
Project Parker almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Higher visibility of saved views

I really like the new UI, but there are a few things I do regularly that seem to take more time now. The one that is the most annoying is having to select 'Saved Views', then wait for the modal to load and then choose the view I want to work /with...
Rachael Mueller almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement