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Allow bar and column charts to be created from lists

In some situations it would be nice to be able to create a bar or column chart from list data. One specific scenario is a list that looks like this: Feature name Scorecard metric 1 Scorecard metric 2 Scorecard metric 3 Feature A 4 3 4 Feature B 5 ...
Austin Merritt almost 5 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Allow for Custom Colors in List Table Reports

We'd like to be able to customize colors in list-table reports, similar to how we can customize a pivot report. Thanks!
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 8 Future consideration

Keep all classic charting capabilities in the new chart experience

The "enhanced" charting capabilities that are about to be rolled out don't include a lot of the basic functionality included in the current classic charts view. Please keep the baseline functionality the same with the new experience. For example, ...
Laura Spohn almost 4 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Capacity report by release

Since we plan our capacities based on our Releases, it would help us to see the Capacity Report by Release instead of Month.
Stephen McAdams about 5 years ago in Capacity planning / Reports 3 Future consideration

Prevent report filters from causing duplicate rows in reports

Currently, when I add a filter to a report, the report behaves as if the data record contained within the filter was explicitly added to the report and in doing so modifies how the primary report data is displayed. For example, if I construct a re...
Danny Archer about 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Allow for duel axis on chart

We are looking to build one chart that can show multiple axis of data. Basically, We are needing a chart (preferably horizontal column chart) to show us actual vs expected days for particular products. The way we capture the expected number of day...
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to report on work request status by workspace or team

When creating a report of work requests, I want to see the status (approved or rejected) for each individual workspace. Today, all workspaces appears on one line and show a status of 'pending' until all of the work requests are approved or rejected.
Shannon Sauvé over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to define capacity for a assignee in Capacity Report

Hi, I had a look at the capacity report and I think it has good potential. In order to make it useable for us, we would need to be able to define the standard weekly capacity per assignee, as well as exceptions such as leave, holidays etc. Th...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Release Gantt chart - add custom fields

The release gantt chart has good functionality, but does not offer the opportunity to add custom fields. In my case, I can avoid duplication of reporting in an outside tool if I can show two custom fields for the features.
Jim Carlin almost 4 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Burn down by feature / epic / initiative

As a manager of business analysts I want to see the definition "burn down" of a given feature, epic, or initiative over time. For example, how much of a given epic or initiative is being defined vs. ready for development vs. ready for release etc....
Guest almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration