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When adding data columns to a report, automatically add the corresponding filters

Currently, you have to separately add filters and data columns which is very tedious. It is very often the case that I need to filter a report using many of the same filter fields that are also being used as data columns on the report. We should a...
Todd Meyer over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Scheduled export of data (eg to csv or Excel)

It would be great if an export could be scheduled to a specific location at a specified frequency.
Daniel Scudds about 7 years ago in Reports 4 Unlikely to implement

Add release phases and milestones to Calendar report/roadmap

For this report, right now, you can only view one set of these records at one time, which is somewhat limited. We'd like to be able to show both release dates, and release phases/milestones in this calendar view.
Alena Pollitt about 7 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Select All Collaborators in presentations

If we need to open a presentation up to an entire team to collaborate, it's impossible to select everyone or select teams, when we have hundreds of users in the system. At minimum, there should be a 'Select All' Option in the Add Collaborators Mod...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 2 Unlikely to implement

In pivot table column headings use natural order for custom field values

If a custom field has pre-defined values, then order the headings by the order of those values.
Chris Waters almost 9 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Filter Comments by User or Date

Is there a way to run a report that shows comments by a specific user or comments by a date range? The circumstance that I am trying to account for are new unread comments that I need to go read and possibly reply to. Currently, I am relying upon ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow Custom Defaults in Charts

As a user, I'd like to be able to set the colors in the "Default" section of the Chart configuration screen to align with my company's style guide. This way, when I create a chart I don't need to manually update the colors every time - they will a...
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Color Pivot tables & reports by multiple factors

Currently you can color code reports by a single critera, depending on where that criteria is on the table, that might not have the desired effect, so I would like the ability to color code by more then on criteria, so 1 may color code the axis, a...
Jesse Stein over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Unlikely to implement

Add Product logos to Reports

When we build reports in Aha, it would be nice to display the option to show the product logo on the columns under the product. Right now the reports look like a spreadsheet report, adding logo's will make the reports look richer.
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Sort list reports by fields not visible

It would be helpful to be able to sort by columns that are not necessarily included as a column in the list report. This functionality is available in other report types as noted in
Dustin Ingram almost 5 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement