Ability to create a shared webpage as a report editor
There appears to be a gap on how shared webpages are configured. Currently only the original creator of the report can create the link for a shared webpage. Often, other people who are designated editors to the report, need to download to send out...
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to show 2 types of records in one column (master feature and feature records) but in different cells/rows in a Pivot report when the records are not linked.
In our configuration, we have either Epics(Features) or Master features linked to a Goal. In a pivot report, we want to show all Epics and Master Features linked to the Goal in one column.
For the report, the primary record is the Goal and Epics...
kanak l
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The new SSO webpage feature is fantastic! But there's still a big problem... the confluence integration does not support it! The 'Add Aha View' option in confluence only works with publicly shared links. It must work with SSO links as well!
Kim Smit
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We would like to know how much each product has adopted our standard processes, fields, and templates. Some of this can be done using pivot tables and calculated columns today, but it is challenging. We are currently taking screenshots or sharing ...
Kelly Sebes
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Reduce duplicate Rows in Reports: Aggregate/merge related data in a cell (in a pivot report or hierarchy report)
Overview - Reports contain multiple rows with instances of the Primary Record Type as soon as you add a column from a "Related Object" that has multiple values, making it hard to visually consume the data. Problem - In List Reports we see the valu...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to do subtotals in Pivot tables (in addition to Grand Total as it is today)
For ex: if we have a dollar value (numeric custom field) associated with each release, let's say it's the release cost - I would like to be able to add up all release costs per each product (sub-totals) in the same product line, in addition to the...
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The release retrospective report provides many useful data points. I would like to pull this information into reports so I can, e.g., view more information about records that were removed from a release.
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow drill down into 'Related' records on Presentations and Webpage share
We attach a lot of ideas and/or features to epics, initiatives, and goals. That level of granularity is not needed in the presentation itself or the initial webpage view, in which we display only high level planning objects (initiatives, epics, go...
Enable more "filtering" possibilities in the Analytics Diagram
Dear Aha! Team,
my idea is about adding more filter possibilities in the Analytics Diagram Report.
Situation today
As of today the existing four filters on the Diagram report are not only used to filter, but also to hide/show a certain hiera...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration