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Ability to Sort by column headers on a List report (webpage)

I would like the ability to sort by the column headers on the Webpage view of a report. I have users who need to do simple sorting and resorting by column rather than view only the static view I can provide now. The only other option is to export ...
Kalyndra Craven over 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Add vertical offsets to labels in Bubble and Scatter charts where there is overlap

It's easy to create one of the charts that have the same value on the Y axis (like using components of the Score) so the labels overlap and are unreadable.
Aldon C over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Limit Report Export Capabilities

Currently a user who is a viewer only for a given product does not have the ability to create notebooks (which is good) but they do have the ability to generate custom reports and export as a CSV. While the ability to generate custom reports is us...
Dale Burnett over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Support the Time Frame as an option in timeline reports

I love being able to map initiatives in a timeline report. However, we can currently only report against the initiative start date or end date. It would be great if we could use the "Time Frame" attribute of the initiative as a timescale option too.
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Provide ability to sort by product line

I'm trying to create reports on the original capacity estimate summed per product line but can't sort out which product lines I don't care to see. For instance, I want to sum all of the estimates from every epic (regardless of which product its in...
Jaclyn Fine over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Release Phase End Quarter as an option to report on Release Phases

I need to pull reports based on the release phase end quarter, not just the release phase end date. For example, the column heading would be 'Q4 2016' instead of the actual phase end date of Dec 31, 2016. Using release quarter does no good if the ...
Kalyndra Craven over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Multi-select in report filters (by custom field)

Hi, In the Report screen in the filter area, I can filter by my custom field (which is a Tag) and click through the list of values to add them to the fiter. I would like to be able to quickly select all values of quickly select more values. E.g. I...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Technology radars

Hi, We would like to be able to produce technology radars for Features. Something like one of these:
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 8 Unlikely to implement

Features Not Sorted by Rank in Reports!

Hey Guys, Just submitting this as a Bug / Usability issue that keeps coming up and is really a blocker for us in product planning meetings. We use the Initiatives by Quarter view in Reports, and our executives like it. However, everyone is annoyed...
Ross Reynolds (External) almost 9 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Make Parking Lot the Last Column in Release Quarter Reports & Allow for Header/Identification

We currently use "Release Quarter" for the report column headings since it is able to group all tickets across multiple feature boards under one quarter/column for better review. When we select "Show Parking Lots" in a Release Settings filter, we ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement