"Promote to existing feature" drop-down can't currently be filtered by product.
"Promote to existing feature" drop-down can't currently be filtered by product, neither does it allow to identify which product a feature is associated with through its Feature ID prefix (such as "ARCH" or "FREDSLO").
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Feature due date on Feature Cards on Workflow Board
When looking at the feature cards on the Workflow Board it would be nice to show the feature's due date so that assignees know that without having to open the feature.
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Filter out the past releases in feature board view
There doesn't seem to be automated way for Feature Board view to hide the past releases. We got plenty of products, and plenty of users, and plenty of past releases. The default experience requires for all users is to scroll several columns right ...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
keep record links when promoting features and masters to initiatives
As an administrator, linking ideas, features, records, requirements to features and master features for organisation to handle those in similar context, I need that such links persist a promotion into a initiative or goal, so that I don't have to ...
Florian Kette
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
I am newbie here and am not sure if my issue already has a known solution - would be grateful if somebody could point me to that...
What am I looking for?
I have a feature which has two different phases - design and development. The start & ...
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Do not assume that when the last requirement has been completed that the feature is complete. Allow me to set the status of pare. Just because it's the last requirement on the board doesn't mean it's the last requirement overall. Today, when the l...
Tom Beck
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Scorecard weight based on users importance / groups
I would like to evaluate the importance of a feature request / idea also based on the user who requested it.
For this purpose, I would need to be able to assign 'value' to users based on their email and perhaps arrange those in groups:
Groups cou...
Ido Lanuel
about 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
more feature custom fields and ability to create groups or sections for feature fields
We track a lot of information for each feature. It would be helpful to have a Table field where we can track and report on information like:
Resource Type
Resource Name
Planned Start Date
Actual Start Date
Planned End Date
Actual End Date
Karen Wittenberg
about 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
I'm currently using the Capacity bar on the features screen based on points for my releases. Right now the bar shows 'Work done' (green), 'Work remaining' (blue) and then white space for points left. When I scroll over the green & blue section...
Joseph Abromaitis
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists