Let me query for requirements (like the features list view)
Aha seems to be most useful to me when I Use features for the high level, and requirements to describe individual items that need to be addressed. In this mode, product managers and designers need to get a quick view of what requirements need to b...
Ely Greenfield
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Put current product at top when choosing initiative or goal for a feature
The initiatives drop-down contains initiatives from all products, sorted alphabetically. I think the initiatives from current product should appear in the menu first.
Chris Waters
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
It would be good if you could order features in certain ways. For us it would make most sense to order the feature by status, so that you can quickly spot your open features.
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
I would like to be able to have my QA team track bugs against a Requirement. It would enable better visibility into the probability of a specific feature / requirement making it in to a projected Release (or the likelihood of the release slipping)...
over 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
I want to hit 1 button to duplicate & link, because it's sllloooowww to duplicate a feature and link it to it's original when I have to do it to a lot of features.
over 10 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Reviewer users should be able to change a feature's (or requirement's) up to a certain point
For example, We may have our engineering team (or QA team) in Aha! as "reviewers" and we would like them to participate in escalating status - such as: Engineer would say "In Development" when they start, and "Development Complete" when done. Then...
over 10 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
When creating and editing features, the Details board is often the most useful view. The one thing I can't do here is drag feature cards to set their relative priority. We aren't using Score consistently enough to be able to Order by Score.
over 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Many times we come up with ideas that is related to multiple product like .com and mobile. It would be awesome if we could associate one feature and /or idea to multiple products using cloning.
over 10 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
I've commented on a requirement; until I click on the requirement, there's no indication that there's additional information to be seen. On Features' Board and Details views each feature card has a comment counter, but it doesn't reflect comments ...
Chris Waters
over 10 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement