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View feature board for all sub-products at the product line level

We would like to see the feature board at the Product Line level for all products within the product line, including the ability to drag/drop prioritize and view details of each requirement.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 7 Unlikely to implement

Assign a Feature to multiple people

There are times where we have multiple people working on a story, either due to investigating a spike or pair-programming. It would be nice to be able to assign a feature to more than one person at the same time.
Christopher Davies almost 10 years ago in Features 5 Unlikely to implement

Initiatives pages that show features really need to show the release the feature is slated for

If I have to click through to get details for each related feature this will take a long time.
J. Mile almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Alert when moving a feature from one product to another

We love Aha! for it's flexibility. However, it would be great to configure something platform wide (our platform). We would love to be able to have warnings if the user tries to move a feature from one product to another. This happens to us (accid...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

Able to work with Parking Lots without having a planned release.

When I go to Feature tab a new window "Create release" is always showed when I have no releases.
Torben Hinge almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Show more than 50 features in Features --> List

I understand wanting to limit the returned results when a product/product line has many, many features. It seems like it'd be good to default to a certain acceptable value but allow an "all" display view option. Additionally, it does not seem in...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Add Release Name to the available columns in feature list view

Seems kinda weird that I can include the release reference id in the feature list, but not the release name. The release name makes way more sense.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Enable the feature board to visualize effort by dynamically setting the height of each feature card

Sometimes, my audience needs a more visual representation of effort. It would be nice have a feature board view where the height of each feature's box represents the effort required for that feature. That way, it would be easier to appreciate the ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Ability to add idea submitters as watchers on features in the roadmap.

My idea submitters do not show up in the list of watchers for features. This is a major issue for me because I wont be able to notify them of changes to something they are interested in.
J. Mile almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

Feature list with rank editing to force-rank features against one another

Scorecards are great, but they do not let me easily rank features against one another. A traditional way to do this is the "pairwise matrix". This breaks ties between features that have similar scorecard ranks. A forced rank list lets me communica...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Already exists