Bulk Edit "Select all" Should only select visible features
The bulk edit feature allows user to select all, however that only seems to allow a user to select either a feature one-by-one, or all features in the project - with no intermediate, such as....all features currently shown on the page.
As a user,...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
A dependency map that shows all features in a release, not just for one feature, so that I can see the bigger picture of a release. (View the information in a dependency report as a dependency map with the rectangles and arrows like the dependency...
Search and navigate between features inside feature details view
With the multiple side panels, the UI for features board is a bit small and somewhat cluttered (when writing or reviewing specs for example). I'd love to be able to stay in the feature details view and move from one feature to the other easily. Al...
David Desrosiers
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
In order for a Business Model Canvas to work properly users need some additional functionality. One of the key feature of www.strategyzer.com are sticky notes that allow a user to add not only text, but different colours and comments as well as at...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
My clients want updates on when they submit ideas but I can not use the reviewer role because it gives them too much information. Want them to be able to see overall roadmap, and be able to track where ideas they submit go from idea to development...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Currently we are able to insert images into our text in JIRA and this is helpful in how we format our content. Would love to be able to insert the image into a specific spot vs just attach it to the field.
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
"Promote to existing feature" drop-down can't currently be filtered by product.
"Promote to existing feature" drop-down can't currently be filtered by product, neither does it allow to identify which product a feature is associated with through its Feature ID prefix (such as "ARCH" or "FREDSLO").
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Feature due date on Feature Cards on Workflow Board
When looking at the feature cards on the Workflow Board it would be nice to show the feature's due date so that assignees know that without having to open the feature.
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Filter out the past releases in feature board view
There doesn't seem to be automated way for Feature Board view to hide the past releases. We got plenty of products, and plenty of users, and plenty of past releases. The default experience requires for all users is to scroll several columns right ...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Able to "Watch" overall Feature Board (all releases)
We have a lot of different product lines which other PMs are responsible for. Instead of just Watching a particular release on a specific Feature Board; I would like to be able to "Watch" the full Feature Board for a Product i.e. one Watch button ...
Julie Edwards
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement