Support "same as" automations for custom text fields
What is the challenge? Automations currently make it possible to pass values from one record to another, such as users and dates. We need the ability to copy simple text fields (not note fields) across records. What is the impact? We need to captu...
Nathaniel Collum
5 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I use time in status a lot now that it is available. One thing I have had to create is multiple reports that show time in current status when looking at feature aging. I'd love to be able to display that on the card directly...
Stephanie Sullivan
2 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow creating custom table records through automation actions
What is the challenge? Some advanced use-cases (such as tracking the history of a release assignment of a feature) are not possible today. What is the impact? This prevents users from tracking slipped work for work which has been re-assigned many ...
Alex Bartlow
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Option to not copy Requirements when Copying a Feature
What is the challenge? We have begun tracking high-level Requirement information in Aha! and have seen that when we copy a feature the stories are also copied. This may be appropriate in some cases, but not all. What is the impact? This may create...
Lorena Connolly
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Add standard Key Results field on the create record view
What is the challenge? The standard Key Results field is available for use in the feature record view but is not available on the create pop-up. What is the impact? Users need to be able to identify the associated Key Results at the create step so...
Ashley Tierney
7 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Showing running total of capacity field in prioritization view.
What is the challenge? PM can't easily tell which items are beyond the current remaining capacity. What is the impact? Currently, only board view can shows limit line. However, many users use prioritization view to prioritize records based on capa...
Ashton Tsou
9 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Search all release and record data on the features > board view
What is the challenge? Today, when searching on the features > board view Aha! only applies search to what is on the screen. When parking lots are being used and they have not all loaded yet they are not included in the original search results....
Kristina Gass
about 2 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Updating a feature's dates should automatically adjust dates of features with downstream dependencies
What is the challenge? Managing sequential tasks with fixed date offsets can be cumbersome when date changes aren’t automatically applied to downstream dependencies. Currently, only changes made via drag-and-drop on the Releases Overview/Roadmap p...
Matt Case
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Issue Types - Add ability to move an issue type to another workspace
What is the challenge? Within JIRA sometimes tickets get logged against a product/jira project which is incorrect. In that system we can either Move the ticket to another Jira project, or Clone and move the cloned ticket to another jira project. I...
Logan Lim
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration