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Configurable relationships in the Dependency Map

I'm glad to see the dependency map feature appear. However, I notice it doesn't just show dependencies, it also shows "relates to" relationships. On the map, they are indistinguishable, which is confusing. It would be great if I could limit the ty...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Use pagination to remove 50-user limit in Workflow view

When grouping by assignee, the view is limited to 50 users. Not 50 users at a time, but 50 users total. The truncation seems to be arbitrary as well, rather than picking, say, the first 50 users. I was informed that this is for performance reasons...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

A way to identify and address discrepancies between items in Aha! and Jira

It is quite impossible to manage the Features and Requirements integration with Jira. There seems to be multiple ways of braking the synchronization between the items in Aha! and Jira, like: - Deleting items in Aha! do not get deleted in Jira. - C...
Ragnar Wessman over 6 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Add a parking lot for Shipped Releases

As i find myself shipping off new releases it would be nice to store all 'shipped' release builds into a parking lot style banner on the left-side of the screen in the Features Board screen. This would allow quick and easy access to completed rele...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Deletion of Epics (Master Features)

As a Product Manager, I would like deletion of epics (master features) to include an option to permanently delete related features. When you initiate the deletion of an epic (master feature), the following warning message appears: "Are you sure yo...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Feature "Type" Color Code Text

I would like to have the ability to change the Feature "Type" color of text so that I can easily see the difference between New, Improvement, Bug, etc.
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow Reviewers to log time on Requirements

I understand that Features are not to be touched by Reviewers, but User Stories are items that typically get assigned to non-product managers. It would be extremely useful to allow Reviewers to log time on Requirements, so the Product Manager can ...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Limit contributors or another role to edit selective fields

Contributors or another role should have the capability to edit selective fields (ie Internal Notes or Description) vs all fields like the product owner. By default, the field should be editable by the product owner, but there should be a setting ...
Christina Wongbuphanimitr over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Option to hide "Not Shown In Notebook"

In the Features roadmap, the info of "Not shown in notebook" really clutters the view and doesn't add any relevant info. I also am having a hard time understanding what it is that triggers a feature to not be shown in a notebook. Regardless, I don...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

achieved goals never actually achievable, show up in the list of available goals for feature assignment

as-is: features details page. providing as-is & to-be details for a given feature for the team. I'm completing the additional information / metadata for the feature. I associate a feature to a goal/multiple goals. I click on the goals drop-do...
Jacob Yackenovich over 4 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement