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My ideas: Features

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Different fields required/visible at different statuses

It would be helpful to have different fields available and/or required at different statuses. So for instance there is certain information that our team wouldn't have/know until they delivered the work. The user would then see/be required to fill ...
Annika Hudson over 2 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

show notes mentions on feature

the notes feature, with the ability to a feature hashtag, is really promising. however, the link to the feature doesn't seem to be shown anywhere on the feature. ideally, you'd add a note - maybe about visit to a client, mention that they had fee...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Allow for Features to Integrate with Multiple Epics

We have multiple teams working on multiple Epics in JIRA that all track to a single Feature. It would be very helpful to enable integration of a Feature to multiple JIRA items.
Cindy Datlof almost 5 years ago in Features 4 Already exists

Workflow View - Add Parking Lot View

From the Workflow view, can you add a filter or the ability to add the Feature Board Parking lot. This will help minimize the need to switch to the feature board and then back to kanban for prioritization.
Marina Reyna almost 6 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Provide ability to filter goals by time frame

Who would benefit? Product Managers and Product Owners What impact would it make? Reduce clutter in goal selection lists by filtering out historical and deprecated goals when relating to records. How should it work? Goals have time frames. Annuall...
Kelwin Y about 1 year ago in Features 1 Already exists

Multiple Feature Roadmap Timelines

The current Feature Roadmap view is very cool but it can get extremely crowded. The current functionality allows more than adequate flexibility in filtering out Releases and Features. However sometime you want all the information available. I have...
Carl-Hein Mostert over 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Option to reflect Prioritization Rank in other areas of the platform

Who would benefit? Product Managers using Prioritization functionality as well as the feature board What impact would it make? It would reduce the time and administrative burden with feature prioritization while improving consistency across the pl...
Claire A over 1 year ago in Features 1 Already exists

Introduce ability to filter on worksheets value fields in features

This idea is to introduce the ability to filter on worksheet value fields. Currently, when you write formulas as worksheet values you are able to filter on status, type or score. However, you cannot filter on the value of fields inside of the work...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Draggable Dialog Windows

I’ve repeatedly been catching myself entering information into popup dialog windows in AHA and grabbing the title bar to drag it out of the way, so that I can review information/double check data underneath it before submitting the dialog. But AHA...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

See Mentions/References on Features, Initiatives, etc.

Features, Initiatives etc can be mentioned in text in notes, comments etc. But you can't see the mentions when you are looking at the feature. Seeing where features are references would help provide context and a more comprehensive view of the fea...
Wes Gillette about 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists