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My ideas: Features

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User Deadline Tracker & User Capacity

A way to track your progress with meeting deadlines and how many times they are moved. This could be integrated with capacity planning, but per user. I would like to see my personal capacity across all features and To Dos and keep track of it. Thi...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Identify overlapping work in progress

What is the challenge? In large organizations that do not have teams well coordinated, there are instances where multiple teams are working in silos creating similar features or components. It would be awesome if Aha! could help to surface similar...
Madeleine Black 4 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow features to be grouped by epic in feature board and feature workflow

Currently, there is no grouping available in feature board. In feature workflow, it is possible to group by assignee. It would be great to be able to group both views by epic.
Joao Tornovsky over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add idea rank to the feature prioritisation board

What is the challenge? I have to combine multiple idea prioritisation boards into one feature prioritisation board. It's great to have the idea votes but the idea rank would be helpful too. What is the impact? I have to look at the ranks on 3 boar...
Mike Lowery 4 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Stop remembering my last search on the "Backlog management" page

What is the challenge? Every time I navigate to the Develop > Team > Backlog management page, the page is blank. It's blank because the page is remembering the last search I made. What is the impact? It's confusing. Takes me a minute to real...
Nathaniel Collum 11 months ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Link a Feature to multiple products

We regularly release features across Desktop, Web and Mobile which we have as separate products in aha. We would prefer to be able to have a feature which is linked across all products, as all are updated at the same time. We currently add feature...
John Hopkin over 9 years ago in Features 11 Unlikely to implement

Allow setting the Rank of an Initiative from the Initiative detail view

We rely a lot on the rank of Initiatives in order to determine the priority of Initiatives/Epics across the business. Unfortunately, the only way to re-rank Initiatives is by dragging and dropping in the Initiatives list. it would be helpful to ha...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Ability to Hide Tab on Feature Cards

What: Hide Tabs on new look/feel experience for Feature Cards Why: Some information is more prevalent now in the view (e.g. Change Log) and may add confusion for our teams as we follow a different process for change management.
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Bigger Input boxes on Prioritization feature

The input text boxes should be bigger. We can't see the whole number. There is plenty of room to make them bigger.
Brett Wilmeth over 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

When adding features from the prioritization board, choose where they're placed

What is the challenge? When adding features from the privatization board, they are automatically added at the top of the priority queue. However, we have had PMs in our organization that this is annoying and might not want them added at the very t...
Guest 7 months ago in Features 1 Future consideration