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Show count of records in a report in a dashboard widget

Why is it useful: It would show the total record count of list reports without having to build a separate widget just to see the total number of records that meet that criteria. SAVES ME TIME AND CLICKS (hooray!) Who would it benefit: Users using ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Bug when creating idea and changing assignee

What is the challenge? When I create a new idea, I change the assignee to me. But when the idea is created it ignores that selection and assigns the idea to the default person for that category. What is the impact? Raised blood pressure, waste of ...
Chris B 3 months ago in Ideas 3 Already exists

Merge idea votes when merging ideas

What is the challenge? have to go through each idea that is similar to see total amount of votes What is the impact? time consuming Describe your idea I would appreciate if the total number of ideas votes showed when you have multiple ideas merged...
Guest 3 months ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Moving an idea between workspaces should not remove it from the portal

Sometimes, an idea is submitted to a portal that is mapped to a different workspace than the one that needs to respond. When moving the idea to the correct workspace, the link to the original submission is no longer valid and the submitting user e...
Gilly Dekel almost 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Support revenue as an automated scorecard metric

Who would benefit? Customers with Salesforce integrations using Ideas Advanced currently can understand the revenue and value associated with each idea. This is typically used with prioritization, so adding this as an available automated scorecard...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Ability to search through proxy votes on an idea

What is the challenge? When I navigate to the Votes tab from an idea, I cannot search through the proxy votes to find the customer that voted on the idea. What is the impact? I have to navigate page-by-page to find the customer in question, and th...
Eliza Crawford 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow setting proxy vote view layout fields to Read Only

What is the challenge? Some record layouts in Aha! allow for setting fields to Read Only on the View version of the layout so they cannot be edited further after they are created. The layout for proxy votes does not allow this. What is the impact?...
Maria Plotkina 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add Comment to Bulk Edit

It would be helpful to be able to add the same comment to multiple ideas at once. I use this to record when I have sent a group of ideas to a group or have done the same update to multiple ideas.
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas 9 Future consideration

Return votes to users when an idea is marked as "already exists" or "will not implement"

Currently if you mark an idea as shipped it returns votes automatically to idea portal users because this is now in the system. I feel if a user puts an idea in and it is something that already exists and they just didn't realize it, when I mark i...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 8 Future consideration

Ability to bulk promote multiple ideas into one record

What is the challenge? Currently, users can bulk promote ideas to a record but it creates one record per idea. What is the impact? Users are not able to easily take a group of ideas that will be solved with the same feature or epic, etc. and promo...
Peter Whisenant 3 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration