Add configuration ability to change visibility setting for Ideas emailed to the portal
Currently Ideas that are emailed into the portal are not visible. I would like to see this be a configurable value so these can be made visible automatically versus having to manually update the emailed in Ideas.
cheryl fetchko
about 9 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Duplicate ideas should be suggested when adding idea in Aha! like in the portal view
When I try to add a new idea in the portal view, it suggests ideas that have already been added. This helps prevent me from entering a duplicate idea.
This feature doesn't seem to work when you add from the AHA (admin) view, so I have no idea if ...
over 9 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I am trying to view a list with all proxy votes under an org where I can delete one proxy vote instead of the whole idea. Right now, I am going into each idea to search for the proxy vote that needs to be deleted via the vote id. It’s tedious when...
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Planning to implement
Add ability to notify all members of an organization with idea updates
In our use case, ideas are collected from internal stakeholder groups who we would like to group into organizations. But, this really only becomes useful for us if all members of that organization are notified of updates on ideas that are associat...
Reilly O'Connor
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas / Ideas portal
Future consideration
Automatically prompt to enter Comment when Idea Status is changed
Changing status of an Idea and entering a private or public comment are two separate actions. Today, status can change and no comment is sent to the submitter because we forget. I'd like to see the Comment screen automatically come up/prompt anyti...
about 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to set Feature Type when promoting an Idea
When I promote an Idea to a Feature, I would like to automatically set the Feature TYPE field based on information in the Idea record. The Idea CATEGORIES field is similar to the Feature TYPE, but multiple values can be selected for the CATEGORIES...
Roger Oliver
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add ability to add custom field to portal user table
My product services customers from two different industries and in multiple different user roles. I need to do analysis on what type of user is accessing the idea portal itself to evaluate portal adoption. Ideally need a way to collect and analyze...
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Change default visibility of ideas submitted via Slack
I recently installed the Slack integration. When one of our team members submits an idea via Slack, it shows up in our Aha dashboard but not on the associated portal page. As of right now, I believe I'd have to change the visibility of each new id...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas / Slack
Future consideration
Currently, when an Idea is created from Zendesk, all comments from the Zendesk ticket are added to the idea. This includes private comments in Zendesk that should remain private. At the very least, Private comments from Zendesk should be excluded ...
John Paul Grippa
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration