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Usability: automatically copy idea fields to features

In order to pass information from an idea to a feature, you need to create identical fields on both, It would be a great feature to allow the user to select at the time of field creation on the idea to have it automatically created on the feature ...
Gord McNeill almost 10 years ago in Ideas 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow for an up or down vote

We want to know who is for and who is against an idea (like a youtube video where you can vote up or down)
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas / Voting 15 Unlikely to implement

Improve control of Ideas panel fields (order of fields)

As a product manager, I would like to have more control of the Ideas panel, so that I can better structure the ideas panel for different products. As currently implemented, I don't believe I am able to make changes to the order in which ideas are ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

View information from the Idea and the Feature at the same time

We need a way to either:1) have custom fields entered on ideas, automatically copied over to features when promoted. 2) Create a view/ report that show the information from both the feature and the linked idea? Our use case is that we are using AH...
Gord McNeill almost 10 years ago in Ideas 6 Already exists

Let Zapier Integration create Notes

Sometimes notes are taken outside of Aha (by customers, testers, users, project members, etc.) I'd be great if we could use the "Actions" dropdown to convert an Idea into a Note
jenny miller almost 10 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Notify Idea Submitters that their Idea has been Turned Into a Feature. Notify a second Time when that idea has been released

There is no transparency for submitting ideas and watching them be pushed to production for non developer folks. If someone submits an idea they should be notified when: It is converted to a Feature It receives the status "will not implement" The...
Max Chanoch almost 10 years ago in Ideas 6 Already exists

Code of Idea Portal Customising in git repo

It would be nice if I could use my favourite code editor and make the Idea Portal Customisations in different git repos for every section to customise like Custom Header, Customer Footer, Customer CSS, Custom JavaScript, ... One git repo for each ...
Fabian Henzler almost 10 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Integration with Intercom

link/create conversation to idea
Guest about 10 years ago in Ideas / Integrations 24 Future consideration

Allow people to request access to Idea Portals

For private idea portals, it would be great if people could request access to the site for approval by the owners. This would be great for communities where people have diverse and common email domains and ease in the promotion and management of t...
Dan Orth over 10 years ago in Ideas 4 Future consideration

Give reviewers edit rights for ideas

Reviewers can create ideas from within in Aha!, but can't edit them or vote on them from within Aha!. For public ideas, a reviewer can go to the public portal and vote and add comments -- this helps. But for ideas that are not viewable in the port...
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement