Ability to see linked organizations on an idea record
Much like you can see the linked idea on a feature record, it would be useful to be able to see the linked organization on the idea record. Currently, the only way a linked organization can be seen is by clicking into votes on the idea record.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Automatically detect when a submitted idea is a bug
When someone submits something that sounds like a bug, present a callout and instructions for opening a ticket with support. Callout should be configurable.
Nathaniel Collum
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Bug? Promote to Feature, Delete, then can no longer Promote to Feature
Is the following a bug? Promoted an Idea to Feature, then (still) on Idea page, delete the promoted Feature. Now, can no longer Promote to a Feature, but promotion UI drop-down provides two options to promote to Epic.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
When we try to link an existing idea to a new or existing feature, it would be nice if the link box would continue to narrow options as you typed the idea index, and not say "no match found". Similarly, it would be nice to be able to use the idea ...
Mary Vanausdale
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add hours, minutes and seconds to date stamps to be able to calculate what record is the oldest/newest if you compare two time stamps. The data is already there today, you can see both hours, minutes, seconds and time zone if you use the function ...
Anna Hansson
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
If an idea is promoted to a req within a feature, it doesn't show up on the research tab on the feature. I think it would make sense to bubble up these ideas for visibility on the research tab. Not sure if it also makes sense to do the same thing ...
It'd be really helpful to put a 'similar ideas' section on the new Research tab to help find other similar ideas you might have missed. Then there could be a 1-click promote button that would promote it to the current feature.
Internal users should be able to 'Follow' Organizations they are interested in
As an Internal Aha Dashboards user, I should be able to ‘Follow’ the Organizations that I am interested in. When I follow an Organization, I should be automatically added as a Watcher for any objects (Ideas, Features) that are created by or tagged...
David Barber
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
As a user, I want to track ideas submitted by quarter. We report on various metrics around quarters. The current workaround is to create a report around the idea month-created date, export it, and manually manipulate the data to create the quarter...
Amelia Peklar
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration