Provide ability to restrict idea creation to certain workspaces
What is the challenge? We have some workspaces for certain internal functions and some related to products. We only want ideas to be created for product related workspaces as we have various processes related to ideas in those workspaces What is t...
Alex Horan
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Multi-select/Bulk-select Ideas in List Report to view and export when performing a search
What is the challenge? Currently, one has to select Ideas individually when searching by Idea name and other criteria to view a list of related Ideas and export them. Shift + selection does not work like it might in other applications. What is the...
Ian Babelon
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Searching for and creating a report of customer Ideas should be more granular and easier
What is the challenge? Searching for ideas by specific themes, topics and keywords can be tricky in the Report back-end feature for customer-facing Ideas Portals. I was searching for Ideas by topic on the Ideas Portal for a product for which we ha...
Ian Babelon
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Worksheet support for filters on multi-select custom fields
Who would benefit? Enterprise+ customers who use worksheets What impact would it make? Greater flexibility when reporting on data How should it work? Use case: I want to count the number of proxy votes on an idea, filtered by proxy votes with “Mod...
Dale Potter
12 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Idea submitters What impact would it make? Timely updates to ideas How should it work? Be able to set timeframes for updates to ideas. For example, within 1 week of submittal send an email to admin if no updates made. After thre...
Marianne Skorupski
12 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I would like to be able to get notifications when a user from a specific organization submits or comments on an idea. Ideally, the ability to watch an organization; and send notifications to me in the same way that watching a workspace ideas works...
Madeleine Black
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to easily search for an Aha User & Contact (Portal user) when they're the same person.
We have some internal users who previously used the portal but then moved to submitting ideas from their Aha Account. When anyone wants to see the full list of ideas submitted by these users they need to apply both the "Created by Aha! user" and "...
Claire A
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
We have restricted use of the ideas widget for desktop users based on the documentation provided, however mobile users are incredibly important for our product. Therefore we don't have any functionality for in-app user feedback for mobile users. M...
about 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I'm looking at There is an API to search ideas by name, by id, by tag but I don't see any API to search ideas by custom fields. Is that supported?
over 7 years ago
in API / Ideas
Future consideration
Allow me to see the ideas I originally submitted - despire where they get assigned/copied to.
What is the challenge? I can't find the idea's I've submitted once they change ownership/get assigned (they are no longer my ideas). What is the impact? I can't find previous work or who now is working on my idea. Describe your idea Make it easier...
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration