Provide Idea voter email domains count as an optional data column in Ideas prioritization
Who would benefit? Product owners evaluating rankings What impact would it make? Currently ordering by Idea votes can be misleading if we have a number of users from the same company. We often have to scan the details In Idea voter email domains t...
Worksheet support for filters on multi-select custom fields
Who would benefit? Enterprise+ customers who use worksheets What impact would it make? Greater flexibility when reporting on data How should it work? Use case: I want to count the number of proxy votes on an idea, filtered by proxy votes with “Mod...
Dale Potter
12 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Idea submitters What impact would it make? Timely updates to ideas How should it work? Be able to set timeframes for updates to ideas. For example, within 1 week of submittal send an email to admin if no updates made. After thre...
Marianne Skorupski
12 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Include linked ideas promoted to stories in workflow automation
Who would benefit? Anyone who promotes ideas to features What impact would it make? help automatically set feature type and automate portfolio segmentation in a less manual way How should it work When an ideas is promoted to a feature, allow the f...
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Ideas Advanced users What impact would it make? Analyze ideas and other work by additional segment data How should it work? Like Organizations, it would be helpful to add metadata about segments such as TAM, Segment owner etc. S...
Jeanette Resnikoff
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Able to report on aggregates of linked Organization/Accounts without double counting
Who would benefit? Field curators What impact would it make? Could rely on revenue impact of feedback How should it work? Should be able to pivot on feedback to aggregate the total spend of Organization (SFDC) Account linked to Opps without double...
Matt Kalan
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Who would benefit? All Aha! Idea product managers What impact would it make? Increased user efficiency How should it work? Allow the creation of a to-do item completion cause the setting of a specific status.
Ability to Organize by Status on the Idea Overview Page
Who would benefit? Idea Reviewers/Product Managers What impact would it make? Ability to organize the status based on our organization status process flow, not by highest to lowest amounts. How should it work? Should be able to have an option to o...
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add the ability to map Idea status to Promoted Record status
Who would benefit? Administrators and Product Managers What impact would it make? Reduce the number of automations for Administrators to maintain and manual steps for Product Managers How should it work? Add a configuration option to map Idea stat...
Neal Maeyama
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Include automated idea scorecards in Ideas Advanced
Who would benefit? Anyone on the Ideas Advanced plan What impact would it make? Using the same Enterprise+ functionality available today, teams can automate the calculation of their scorecard metrics based on other idea attributes like vote counts...
Justin Waldorf
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration