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Zendesk: Private Comments should remain private.

Currently, when an Idea is created from Zendesk, all comments from the Zendesk ticket are added to the idea. This includes private comments in Zendesk that should remain private. At the very least, Private comments from Zendesk should be excluded ...
John Paul Grippa almost 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Add row number on idea list so we can determine quickly which number the idea is in priority

We currently have to count the number of rows. It'd be nice if that was just listed on the left as an optional column to add or remove.
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Sort Ideas by Last Activity

Inside Aha, where we can see the Ideas posted, would be great if we could filter by last activity. So if an old idea gets a new comment, or something like that, we can sort by date. Or any sort of activity, merge, internal comments, etc...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Mobile app for adding ideas

Aha should create a mobile app so that my customers, company employees and partners can ideas on the go. Ideas come to mind at different times and the last thing we want is for an idea to be lost. Having an app for submitting ideas will ensure the...
Shri Iyer about 8 years ago in Ideas 3 Unlikely to implement

No Score Indicator

I need a way to distinguish between ideas that have not been scored and those with 0 score. Today the system automatically defaults to 0 (instead of blank) and I'm not sure whether the calculated score is 0 or if the idea was scored at all.
Melissa Johnson over 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Will not implement

External facing product names

As a product manager I'd like to be able to define both an internal and an external product name. The case might be that our team and internal employees refer to a product as "X". Externally, our customers know the product as "Y" in marketing and ...
Scott Goldblatt over 8 years ago in Ideas 5 Already exists

Allow Aha Idea ID to be Mapped to JIRA

Once requests are sent to JIRA there is no quick way to see the original Aha Idea source for the ticket. We would like to have the Idea ID exposed as a custom field so it can be mapped to JIRA. This will allow personnel working on the JIRA ticket ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Disable Public Comments on certain Ideas in Public Idea Portal

We are using the Aha! idea portal as an FAQ and for some of the ideas/questions, we would like to disable the comments section so public users cannot comment. We don't want to necessarily want to do this for all ideas/questions submitted, but it w...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Chrome extension to capture feedback from anywhere

What is the challenge? We work in many applications and Aha! cannot build custom integrations for all of them. This makes it very hard to users of those applications to capture feedback and store it all in Aha! ideas. What is the impact? Lost feed...
Kelly Sebes 5 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Promoting an idea should copy the creator's information to the feature

What is the challenge? Currently, the "Created By" field on the idea card in Aha! displays only the name of the user who submitted the idea. However, this information is lost when the idea is promoted to a feature/epic, making it difficult to trac...
Guest 8 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration