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improve the multiselect dropdown for idea status in ideas list view

Example: select any two values, say “future consideration” and “planning to implement”. Youll see two of each value selected in the dropdown. Then i want to change my filters to “needs review” and “clarification needed.” So i need to unselect t...
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Reviewers should be able to make an idea visible in the portal

The idea is to update the permissions in the application and allow users with a "Reviewer" designation the ability to set an idea visible in the idea portal. This will allow a BA/PA the ability to review an idea and allow it to be seen on the idea...
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

When promoting an idea use the idea "created as" as the "created as" of the feature

Or alternatively, keep the existing scheme but save the idea "created as" into some new field on the feature. We want to notify the actual reporter of progress of their idea, but by the time this makes its way to Jira then the original reporter is...
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Display release details when an idea is promoted to a (master) feature

When an idea is promoted to a feature/master feature, it would be helpful to display within the Ideas Portal any release details associated with the new feature, for portal user reference. This would be more effective than using watcher email upda...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Search by prefix or # when promoting Idea to Feature

When promoting an Idea to an already existing feature it would be great to search by the product prefix and/or number. The words of the feature are searchable but the pre-fix and number are not. I think there may be other places in the app when se...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Deleting child categories need to apply parent category

When you delete a child category, the idea is left with not category definition instead of adopting the parent category.
Brett Stacks almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Alpha Character to record IDs

Whenever I need to do a mass update on an Idea and I export the ID field out it becomes a nightmare to work with in Excel or Access because it's a numeric value that keeps changing to something that looks like a formula. It would be really nice if...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

sort ideas by last scored

It would be useful if we could see when the score of an idea in the portal was last updated. As customer votes come in and business strategies evolve, I would like to update the idea scores, but focus on those ideas that have particularly old scor...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

allow email replies to an intake ticket to update that ticket instead of creating a new ticket

With the current configurations, when a user submits an intake ticket to and replies to the autogenerated email, a new ticket is created. This leads to confusion where we might be updating comments on 1 ticket but then realize later...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Employees & partners should have the ability to control the idea visibility

Currently, the only way to make an employee idea visible is for an Aha! user to toggle the visibility. It would be nice if employees could mark an idea "Visible for everyone" at the time of its creation.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement