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Use the API to add a record link between features/ideas and organizations

We’d like that once the organization is selected, an automatic Linked record would be created under the Related tab, showing a “relates to” for the relevant organization (adding it if not existed before). First, I tried to find a way via rest API ...
Karin George 2 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Disallow changes to ideas in specific statuses

As an Idea administrator or Product Owner, I'd like the original submitter to be unable to edit the idea that is in-progress or shipped, so it does not look like we implemented their altered narrative. Either admin editable in custom statuses, or ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Extending fields available for Automation Triggers

What is the challenge? The number of fields available for use in the rule evaluation are limited. Therefore any automation to streamline processing of entries is restricted What is the impact? Many rules need to include a way of limiting the invoc...
Martin W 6 months ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Improve idea comment triage process

What is the challenge? You can set the default for ideas portal comments to be private, but that can be changed by an Aha! user after the fact. Therefore, you could set this up as a triage process, where idea comments are private at first, they ar...
Emily Yankush 4 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Update idea rank should remove value for records removed from ranked list

What is the challenge? When you click "update idea rank" in a prioritization view, it doesn't remove the rank value from any records that have been removed from the list. What is the impact? Over time, this causes records (ideas/features) reports ...
Jon Ragsdale 9 months ago in Features / Ideas / Reports 0 Future consideration

Rank Ideas by Organization

One of the most powerful (and fun!) exercises I perform with my stakeholders is to interactively ask (or force) them to rank ideas. Whilst many ideas can have a "must have" status, no two ideas can be top of the list. Oftentimes, the final rating ...
Joe Buehlmeyer almost 3 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Ability to block further comments on ideas

Whilst I see some value in allowing users to comment on some ideas that have been shipped, I would like to control what ideas can and can't receive comments as 95% of the time, the comments are iterations on what has been shipped and NOT related t...
Jason Hollis over 3 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Add ability to copy Idea Categories between products

When setting up products, or making changes to categories, it is often very similar. Having the ability to import categories, or copy them from an existing Product would make this much more efficient.
Richard Siebels over 8 years ago in Ideas 5 Future consideration

Dashboards need a diet

There is a lot of whitespaces between panels or around charts in ideas. The pie chart is half-the possible size of the panel.
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow filtering by organization on the ideas prioritization view

What is the challenge? Unable to easily create a prioritization view for a specific organization. What is the impact? I'd need to manually add ideas to the prioritization view based on a separate report to segment the ideas for a specific organiza...
Kristina Gass 7 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration