What is the challenge? Currently, adding the field "Idea last internal comment" provides both the date and the text in one value. This field is not available for calculation columns, so I cannot sort by date of comment. What is the impact? Better ...
Becca Bommarito
about 1 month ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Do not highlight "Potential duplicates" across workspaces
What is the challenge? There is a feature which displays in a request with text of "Potential duplicates were discovered." By clicking on a hypertext link of 'Review', there is a display of the potential duplicates. This feature is useful only whe...
about 2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Put setting for default idea list view in idea tab as well as analytics tab
What is the challenge? I didn't think to look under analytics for ideas list default as I get to the ideas list from the ideas menu item which is why I expect it to be in that tab for default views. What is the impact? I couldn't set the default i...
Lisa Hamblin
about 2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Restrict statuses/workflow for Ideas based on promotion status
What is the challenge? I'd like to have the option to restrict statuses/workflow transitions based on promotion status or non promotion status of an Idea. Specifically, I'd like to turn off the currently default situation in which an idea can be "...
2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add the ability to move a proxy vote from one idea to another
What is the challenge? Users may attach proxy votes to ideas incorrectly due to an incomplete understanding of the issue. In the scenario where a user might add a proxy vote on behalf of a customer to an idea, but it turns out the customer request...
2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to edit reports linked from the organization detail page
What is the challenge? When I click on an organization (that created or voted on an idea) there is a standard report with the total number of ideas, votes, and proxy votes and a pie chart + bar chart. When I click on a link from the bar chart to s...
Eliza Crawford
2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We need to simplify our Ideas intake - with some prefilled fields on the Ideas form What is the impact? It impacts several hundred employees who submit ideas to engineering teams Describe your idea We want to send users a UR...
2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
''Promote'' button should only be enabled if an idea is 'Planned' in a static workflow
What is the challenge? Users are allowed to promote an idea at any stage of Ideas workflow What is the impact? Risk of promoting an un-approved Idea, will lead to unapproved roadmap item Describe your idea An idea should only be allowed to 'Promot...
Ankush Kumar
2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Use the API to add a record link between features/ideas and organizations
We’d like that once the organization is selected, an automatic Linked record would be created under the Related tab, showing a “relates to” for the relevant organization (adding it if not existed before). First, I tried to find a way via rest API ...
Karin George
2 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add 'Send to integration' automation action for Aha! Ideas <> Jira integration
What is the challenge? As PMs review ideas submitted to Aha! there may be ideas that need to be sent directly to Jira — thinking about bugs that are reported through an ideas portal. What is the impact? Those ideas need to be reviewed alongside al...
Justin Waldorf
3 months ago
in Ideas / Jira
Future consideration