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workflow_status history through REST API

as a data architect I need to plot the history of the workflow_status for ideas. I need to be able to retrieve a reliable, accurate history of workflow_status changes with start/end datetime for each idea. This data enables us to track ideas which...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Preserve attachments when promoting idea to feature

When an idea is in it's infancy, attachments may be added that are still relevant when it's promoted to a feature. However currently it looks like those attachments don't carry over to the feature when the idea is promoted. It would remove duplica...
Guest about 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Bulk edit Organizations

I upload a data base with more than 2000+ clients to the organization feature in Aha. But as the name it's not standardized and does not match the Salesforce account name, I want to delete them all and submit it again. But there's not a bulk edit ...
Anna Bittencourt over 3 years ago in Ideas 5 Shipped

Enhanced Reporting for Ideas

I was trying to create a bar chart that showed the number of ideas created each month for a specific portal. However, I was unable to group the "Idea created at" field into months and I was unable to filter by portals in the pivot table. This prev...
Peter Segre over 6 years ago in Ideas / Reports 1 Shipped

Ability to reply to a specific Public Comment

We would like the ability to respond to specific Public Comments, to create a separate thread, rather than adding a new comment at the end of the thread. This would be helpful in keeping track of conversations, particularly where there are dozens ...
Ginger Alford over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Filter ideas by category in the ranked list

Who would benefit? Product manager What impact would it make? PM could filter out ranked ideas by category. This would enable faster insights, simplified presentations and generally improve browsing through ranked ideas How should it work? Enable ...
Guest 8 months ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

API support to get all votes by date

Currently the API for votes can only return data one idea at a time. It would be much more efficient if I could retrieve all votes for all ideas based on the vote date.
Kelly Sebes over 1 year ago in API / Ideas 0 Shipped

Integrate Aha! with online collaboration/mindmapping tool

Integrate Aha! with online collaboration/mindmapping tool. For example: Miro, lucidchart, whimsical, etc
Kote Khutsishvili almost 5 years ago in Ideas 3 Shipped

Ability to add in a static table into an Ideas portal

It would be useful if we could define a table within an Ideas portal field that the user could fill in to be submitted as (other information) along with the rest of the ideas fields. This would make our handling of more complex suggestions easier ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Shipped

Enable Salesforce opportunity status as a data field, column and filter in Aha views and reports and within the idea card.

As we look at Aha ideas created in Salesforce, the opportunity status field is missing. This piece of information is critical, as the value of the idea changes dramatically based on opportunity status. Think about the different priority for a requ...
Giuseppe Salvato over 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Shipped