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Filter options for the Idea Overview pie chart of ideas by status

We would like to be able to filter the pie chart by idea category as we have different people responsible for each idea category.
Charlene Brennan over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

automatically notify idea subscribers of release name/number when an idea is promoted to a feature

when an idea is promoted to a feature on the product roadmap, it would be helpful if the system automatically sent a notification to all the idea subscribers letting them know which release name/# the feature was promoted into. Also, as an extens...
Michael Loiacono over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Generate Epics from Idea's

The idea's we get from our stakeholders are usually very high level. It would be nice that we can create Epics from Idea's.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Ideas portal - change branding/text for category

The ideas portal, you can currently change the branding of all text with the exception of the category text. If you have categories on an ideas portal, please can we have the ability to override the text which sits above? " Choose a category for...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

View information from the Idea and the Feature at the same time

We need a way to either:1) have custom fields entered on ideas, automatically copied over to features when promoted. 2) Create a view/ report that show the information from both the feature and the linked idea? Our use case is that we are using AH...
Gord McNeill almost 10 years ago in Ideas 6 Already exists

Ideas list: Advanced Filtering broken

What is the challenge? I am trying to apply an advanced filter to the ideas list but whenever I try to do so the modal closes itself down. I am able to select the parameter (i.e. I'm selecting "Any" of Idea Tags, creator email domain, and voter em...
Claire A 13 days ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Bug when creating idea and changing assignee

What is the challenge? When I create a new idea, I change the assignee to me. But when the idea is created it ignores that selection and assigns the idea to the default person for that category. What is the impact? Raised blood pressure, waste of ...
Chris B 3 months ago in Ideas 3 Already exists

Merge idea votes when merging ideas

What is the challenge? have to go through each idea that is similar to see total amount of votes What is the impact? time consuming Describe your idea I would appreciate if the total number of ideas votes showed when you have multiple ideas merged...
Guest 3 months ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Contacts to show all ideas associated

What is the challenge? When i search for a contact in Contacts, I cannot see ideas raised by this person What is the impact? cannot quickly view ideas raised by a particular customer Describe your idea When i search for a contact in Contacts, I ca...
Guest 3 months ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Search for Ideas concerning one workspace not all workspaces

What is the challenge? 1) When searching for and selecting relevant Ideas about a product/workspace, I have to wade through all Ideas. This takes a lot of time and effort without no guarantee of success. 2) The section 'Portal Comments' (located b...
Ian Babelon 6 months ago in Ideas 3 Already exists