Customers (portal users) want to be a watcher on the idea portal and be notified of all incoming ideas
We are using an idea portal for a specific feedback channel on a beta product release. The customers submitting the feedback wish to be watchers so they can get an email on all incoming feedback instead of visiting the site regularly to find out.
Charlene Brennan
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Created by and Created Date fields are currently available within the Idea List view. Would like to have Last Modified By & Last Modified Date within this view as well.
Need to be able to edit the "Idea Created" message that appears in portal upon submitting
The use case is that the customer has an ideas workflow where all submitted ideas need to go through a review process before they are actually published to the portal via the visibility settings. What currently displays on the screen upon submitti...
Matt Case
about 8 years ago
in Ideas / Ideas portal
Already exists
In order to find ideas that are missing Proxy Votes OR in order to report on Proxy Votes, we need to have Proxy Votes added as a filtering option in reporting.
Ginger Alford
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Remove the field of 'Categories' in the Ideas object when there are no categories
Current when you create an Idea there is a field called 'Categories', however there are no categories configured for the Idea in question. When there are no Categories configured, could that field be removed as it looks odd being on the screen whe...
When deleting an idea on the list page, stay on the list page instead of going to the overview page
When deleting an idea on the list page, stay on the list page instead of going to the overview page. It is very annoying when we are filtering our ideas list and going through 50 ideas/bugs and have to delete 25 of them
New layout of ideas overview is not very user intuitive
Who would benefit? Product Owners and Product Managers What impact would it make? It will make navigating through, searching for, and viewing the ideas better. How should it work? The new layout for the ideas overview is not user intuitive at all....
In: Account > Aha! scorecards > Add scorecard It would be really helpful to be able to score based off of the attached Value Complexity Matrix. Not sure how to do this, but I'm willing to brainstorm through the Idea.
Lionel Aguilar
about 3 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Add the ability to search for ideas by username via the REST API Ideas endpoint. This would allow easier integration with other systems such as via a support desk. That system could then easily be extended to show Ideas logged in Aha alongside sup...
Mark Evans
about 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists