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My ideas: Ideas

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Improved Idea Notifications

Who would benefit? Product Managers/Owners What impact would it make? Improved communication How should it work? As customer feedback is entered as an idea, it is assigned to the associated Product Manager. There is no notification that a new idea...
Mike Levinson 11 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Provide ability to restrict idea creation to certain workspaces

What is the challenge? We have some workspaces for certain internal functions and some related to products. We only want ideas to be created for product related workspaces as we have various processes related to ideas in those workspaces What is t...
Alex Horan 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Give reviewers edit rights for ideas

Reviewers can create ideas from within in Aha!, but can't edit them or vote on them from within Aha!. For public ideas, a reviewer can go to the public portal and vote and add comments -- this helps. But for ideas that are not viewable in the port...
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow product lines to have ideas and features

Some ideas and features are across products under the product line. The group product manager should be able to manage and prioritize these ideas/features at the product line level and be able to assign it to product/products if it goes across
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 5 Unlikely to implement

Multi-select/Bulk-select Ideas in List Report to view and export when performing a search

What is the challenge? Currently, one has to select Ideas individually when searching by Idea name and other criteria to view a list of related Ideas and export them. Shift + selection does not work like it might in other applications. What is the...
Ian Babelon 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Search for Ideas concerning one workspace not all workspaces

What is the challenge? 1) When searching for and selecting relevant Ideas about a product/workspace, I have to wade through all Ideas. This takes a lot of time and effort without no guarantee of success. 2) The section 'Portal Comments' (located b...
Ian Babelon 6 months ago in Ideas 3 Already exists

Searching for and creating a report of customer Ideas should be more granular and easier

What is the challenge? Searching for ideas by specific themes, topics and keywords can be tricky in the Report back-end feature for customer-facing Ideas Portals. I was searching for Ideas by topic on the Ideas Portal for a product for which we ha...
Ian Babelon 6 months ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Worksheet support for filters on multi-select custom fields

Who would benefit? Enterprise+ customers who use worksheets What impact would it make? Greater flexibility when reporting on data How should it work? Use case: I want to count the number of proxy votes on an idea, filtered by proxy votes with “Mod...
Dale Potter 12 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Auto alert to update an idea

Who would benefit? Idea submitters What impact would it make? Timely updates to ideas How should it work? Be able to set timeframes for updates to ideas. For example, within 1 week of submittal send an email to admin if no updates made. After thre...
Marianne Skorupski 12 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

New ideas/features lists do not remember my customizations

When I go back to the ideas list I expect that it will remember the changes I made to the columns and filters. I believe it used to, but the new version of them does not.
Kelly Sebes over 1 year ago in Features / Ideas / Reports 0 Likely to implement