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My ideas: Ideas

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Include attachments when importing ideas via CSV file

I would like to be able to import attachments linked to ideas when these are imported via CSV file.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Additional granularity on custom roles

We would like to create a custom role that controls who can create and edit the following: * custom fields for ideas * custom fields for workspaces * idea portals * ideas layouts * ideas forms layouts * ideas portal layouts * workspace layouts * i...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Bulk edit categories for ideas

Like the bulk edit of the predefined choice list, it would be a great thing for the categories of the idea-portal. We offer different products with the same core, according to this we need to add the same list for every single product.
Tobias Michels over 4 years ago in Ideas 4 Future consideration

Prevent Reviewers from changing the visibility of their own ideas

All my internal users are Reviewers, as I want them to be able to see more in depth information than they can get through the idea portal. However, I don't want anyone but an Owner to be able to mark and idea as Visible to Anyone. Internal employe...
Bryan Young almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow an Admin Response for Ideas that are "Unlikely to be..." or "Will not be Implemented" without exposing the idea to the Ideas Portal

Sometimes we will receive an idea that is either inappropriate for our product or we just have no plan to implement in the future. It would be great if we could give an Admin Response in this case as currently the submitter does not receive notifi...
Paul Ruddick about 6 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Distinguish Embedded Image & Attachments in Aha API

Hello,I am using the APIs provided by Aha to integrate Salesforce Idea Exchange with Aha.I am not using the Salesforce integration provided by Aha.I use the Ideas and Idea Comments API predominantly to integrate the ideas and idea comments from Sa...
Arun Ramesh about 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

direct link to Ideas submission form with product pre-selected

I have a multi-product Ideas Portal. One Product team would like to be able to send their customers a link to the portal that drops them directly into the ideas submission form for their specific product (ie not requiring the customer to select th...
Gaby Schernthaner about 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Customize default sort on ideas portal landing page

Currently the Idea Portal default takes you automatically to the Trending tab. I'd like to have the ability to select either the Recent, Trending or Popular tabs as the default view for users.
John Goodloe over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

I would like to suggest that "comments" created on the Aha!-side of the Aha!-Salesforce integration be transmitted back to Salesforce

Communication between Aha! and Salesforce is essential and by allowing comments made in Aha! to flow into Salesforce, this helps save time and alerts Salesforce-preferred users to be kept current with the latest information entered from Aha!
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas / Salesforce 1 Future consideration

Idea search filter in Ideas List needs to be the same as search in Ideas Portal

I'm trying to build a report that is exactly the same as what my users see when they search in the Ideas portal. I use this list to review with our design partners and early adopters. The Ideas portal search looks at custom fields while the filter...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement