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My ideas: Ideas

Showing 693

CSV Import Add Subscribers

I understand that the default behaviour when importing ideas via CSV is not to add that user as a subscriber, however it should be possible to override this on import. One solution would be to add a "Subscribers" column on the import template, all...
Mark Evans over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Better history details

As a Product Manager, I want to look at the history of an item to see what has changed. Sometimes I see what I changed but, often, the details are missing; only a message that the idea was updated. This is not very useful. I would prefer to see wh...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Customers (portal users) want to be a watcher on the idea portal and be notified of all incoming ideas

We are using an idea portal for a specific feedback channel on a beta product release. The customers submitting the feedback wish to be watchers so they can get an email on all incoming feedback instead of visiting the site regularly to find out.
Charlene Brennan about 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Make it more clear that employee and partner submitted ideas will be Private

If an employee or partner submits an idea via our public idea portal, those ideas will be marked as Private, which is great! However, it's not very clear to the user submitting the idea that this is the case...only once they've submitted the idea ...
Jonathon Leeke about 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Include Last Modified Date to the Idea List view

Created by and Created Date fields are currently available within the Idea List view. Would like to have Last Modified By & Last Modified Date within this view as well.
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Usability: automatically copy idea fields to features

In order to pass information from an idea to a feature, you need to create identical fields on both, It would be a great feature to allow the user to select at the time of field creation on the idea to have it automatically created on the feature ...
Gord McNeill almost 10 years ago in Ideas 3 Unlikely to implement

Change Assigned To to the Parent Idea's Assigned To when Merging Ideas

What is the challenge? The same idea can be assigned to different product managers, which creates confusion in the team. What is the impact? Describe your idea If you merge an idea into another idea, the Assigned To of the children idea should be ...
Teresa Bever 9 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Hourly Digest Email - add standard idea category to the email

Please add the standard category field from ideas to the hourly digest email.
Guest 12 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Add prioritization view history or audit trail

Our organization has multiple prioritization views saved for our ideas and multiple people make changes to these views over time. We would like to view the history or an audit trail of these changes to the prioritization view (e.g. when someone ch...
Jon Ragsdale about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Idea Comments Filter for Reporting

A report filter for Idea comments both public and private would allow for quicker identification of newly left comments by users
omar lozano over 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration