Remove Portal Comments option when no Portals are set up
I have no Idea portals set up and yet I still have to click over to internal comments when adding a comment. This is one extra step every time I need to write a comment. If you don't have a portal, the portal comments shouldn't even be an option. ...
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I would like to be able to get notifications when a user from a specific organization submits or comments on an idea. Ideally, the ability to watch an organization; and send notifications to me in the same way that watching a workspace ideas works...
Madeleine Black
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to easily search for an Aha User & Contact (Portal user) when they're the same person.
We have some internal users who previously used the portal but then moved to submitting ideas from their Aha Account. When anyone wants to see the full list of ideas submitted by these users they need to apply both the "Created by Aha! user" and "...
Claire A
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When "Create Related Idea" make Idea status "New" or "Needs Review" and Link it to Originating Object
Currently, when a "create related idea" function is used, the system assumes that the intent is to create an idea that is promoted to the originating Object (Initiative, Epic or Feature). However, this assumption has limited application since most...
Uma Prabhala
about 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
The idea description field in the idea details window does not have a label indicating that it is the description. Is it possible to have a "Description" label appear when the description note field is populated?
Mike Jacobson
over 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Bulk option to create related ideas for multiple features at once
If I want to get customer feedback on features that I'm already planning, I would like to add them to the ideas portal. Currently, I have to do this one by one. It would be nice to have a bulk option. This would also be helpful if I need to seed a...
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Disable public comments to ideas from within the Aha! application
We use ideas for in-house request management, i.e. there are no external stakeholders who see ideas or add comments. When commenting on ideas we often @ mention users so we use the private comments. In order to enforce that users don't accidentall...
over 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I'm currently using Aha as the ideas portal for all of our users and am automatically signing them in with SSO/JWT when they access the idea portal page. This works great! However, I noted that, per the JWT help article here, that signout requires...
I understand that the default behaviour when importing ideas via CSV is not to add that user as a subscriber, however it should be possible to override this on import.
One solution would be to add a "Subscribers" column on the import template, all...
Mark Evans
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration