Possibility to have definition of start and end date for the release on the create release screen
In the create release form there is no start and end date. I think that having the option to define these dates would be more user friendly and help in faster configuring the phases afterwards (their dates).
Dejan Kocic
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Add Feature Lists to Releases/Details/Progress view by sprint
When reviewing the feature burndown (Progress), I would like to see a listing of features completed, upscoped, downscoped in a list form rather then having to hover over the segments on the chart. While hovering is a great feature, it does not all...
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
The GANTT chart is currently the only roadmap-like display that is capable of displaying the rollup release properly. In high-level reviews with executives, when focused on features, the GANTT delivers exactly what is needed, BUT the phases can be...
Bastian Schoell
about 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Release templates - ability to set default at parent line that is also then the default for all sub-products
The recent release template features have been great but as I have many sub-products within a parent-line, I have to go into each one to set the default release template. Please consider implementing a feature that allows you to force set the defa...
Dave Tucker
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Master Release show % Complete Based on Child Releases
On the Master, Release show the % Complete based on the Children Releases % Complete. This should roll up based on Total % Complete divided by number of associated Releases
Stephen Morse
over 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Would like to be able to create Master Release templates that would be applied to a "Master Release" such as at the Product Line level. The template would only apply to the Master Release NOT the Product releases under the master release; as asked...
Andrew Sweet
about 6 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Hide will not implement / shipped releases in Releases -> Gantt View
What is the challenge? I have no easy way to hide will not implement releases from the Gantt View Other views automatically hide these releases by default. What is the impact? Confusion & Time: If the release is 'will not implement' then I lik...
Cheryl Hatos
5 months ago
in Releases
Future consideration
When I move a Feature to a Release, I'd like to have some Feature fields inherit their values from Release fields. For instance, when I assign a Feature to a Release, I want the external release date of the Release put into the Feature's "Release ...
Jor Bratko
over 2 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Having flexibility around Release Dates being either inherited from Rollup release or manually populated
We rely on Rollup releases quite a bit, however, from team's Feature board perspective it's often helpful to track "product" releases info, especially dates and be able to expose those accordingly. At this point, since we're using Roll up releases...
Olga Basman
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
I'm not sure why it's not possible to have features in release templates. Phases and milestones are nice, but features are what actually have the status. This would be especially powerful for recurring releases. For example, I'm manually creating ...
Bob W
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement