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Parking Lot View

The Parking Lot needs beefing up. If you have a lot of granularity to your Parking Lots (created Parking Lot A, Parking Lot B, ... Parking Lot Z) it gets hard to us UX wise. The gray expandable box on the Board view resulting in lots of scrolling....
Guest about 9 years ago in Releases 5 Unlikely to implement

Release Date 'dependency' on preceding milestones

As PM I should have direct visibility to changing a Release Date, so I understand why I can't make the Release Date dependent on Milestone dates. However, I would like to be alerted anytime a Milestone that my release is dependent on, is scheduled...
Cathy Sherwin over 8 years ago in Dependencies / Releases / Roadmaps 2 Already exists

Ability to assign release phase length in working days (vs. start/end date)

When you set a release phase/milestone template, you define by duration (days - which I assume are working days but I'm not certain, they may be absolute) but when you are editing phases of a particular release, that information disappears. I'd lo...
Eva Humphrey almost 10 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Return unique values against linked epics/features

Using the worksheet at the release level; is it possible to return only "unique" values back against the "linked" epics/features? Example:Release - (linked to Epic 1, 2, 3)Custom Worksheet - Epic Vehicle Brands - Jeep, Dodge Epic 1 -Epic Vehicle B...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Attach an epic to multiple releases

Using SAFE terminology, I have epics (master features) that relate to multiple program increments (releases). I'd like to be able to assign a master feature to more than one release at a time.
Guest over 5 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Copy/clone from master release template

We use master releases in Aha! since all products are shipped in one package. I set up a master release called template but I can't copy from it because you can only copy a release (not a master release).
Guest almost 8 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Ability to assign a workflow to the phases and milestones within a release

I should be able to assign a workflow for the phases and milestones for a given release. I should be able to update the status for each of my phases or milestones so that I can visually see the progress of the release in the Releases > Roadmap.
Tahlia Sutton about 8 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Track history of Release date changes

As the release date changes, it's hard to recreate history to figure out what the original date was along with interim dates and the final release date. It's also hard to remember the reasons for a change when it's several months later. I'd like a...
Aldon C about 9 years ago in Releases 1 Will not implement

Bulk Delete Phases to Release/ Change Phase Template of Releases

I would like to bulk delete the phases under releases. The current process of deleting phases is time consuming as we have to delete one phase at a time. It would be best to have bulk delete option for release. We have experienced a lot of difficu...
Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 2 Unlikely to implement

Default External Date Rounding

I would like to pre-set the external date rounding for either a product or product line. This would allow for less clicks by a user entering a release and get all releases consistent in their reporting.
Guest about 9 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement