Show Features in Kanban style within a Release Container
As a user, I want to group features in columns based on their status, so I can better communicate the sprint status to stakeholders from within Aha Notebooks and printouts.
When you load a Release container in Aha, you have the basic...
almost 7 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Add only not shipped existing features to release in Releases Overview
Hello, could you make it possible to add only no shipped existing features to a release in Releases Overview? I clean up my board regularly by deleting shipped features from it. But when I want to add existing features, all these removed features ...
almost 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Group releases which are at status "will not do" in a similar way to 'Shipped' releases in the Starter Roadmap release selection list and other similar lists
Currently in the list of releases in the "Starter Roadmap" it displays a full list of all releases which are not at 'Shipped' status (followed by the 'Shipped' releases). As this 'live/scheduled' list of releases builds up over time there are plen...
Adam Kendall
almost 7 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
View Releases across Product Lines using more easily visible color schemes
View Releases across Product Lines using more easily visible color schemes. They currently default to light gray/light blue which is difficult to see. It would better if the entries were bold as they are when viewing a Release for a single Product.
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
have the capability for a Masterrelease to contain masterreleases themselves
AHA allows me to configure underlying productlines as part of another product line, which works great to set up a structure that suits your organisation! e.g.:
Productline X :
- product line 1- - product A- - product B- product line 2- - product C...
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Ability to identify a Release Phase as "Completed".
When I export and share the Release and Release Phase report or as I monitor the Release, it would be helpful if I can identify a Release Phase as "Complete".
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
As a Product Manager, I would like to better manage and communicate releases by having the ability to specify the time of a release in addition to the date of the release. Many stakeholders are very interested in knowing when something is going to...
Tom Beck
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
It would be useful to be able to define external release names which are used in Report generation. Our Engineering team uses a naming convention for releases that would mean nothing to the rest of our business. At the moment, whenever a report is...
Jonathan Shaw
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
In our organisation, sometimes a particular release of a product is in competition with a release for another product. It would be great if we could use Aha scoring to get business buy in for release priorities through the Aha scoring mechanism.
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Already exists