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Allow for Feature Dependencies to roll up to releases

You can currently add a dependency between features and also between releases. It seems logical that if two dependent features exist in separate releases then the releases are by definition dependant on one another. It would be nice to see this on...
Ed Bills about 7 years ago in Dependencies / Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Add the Status label to Release Roadmap on Features included in the Roadmap

It would be useful because there isn't a legend that shows the color coded status states and for some it is easier to see the written status as opposed to knowing which status is which color. Gives the ability for me to see what status my tickets ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Releases 1 Will not implement

Capacity Planning to pull from Work Remaining rather than original estimate

When Planning your capacity in the Aha Feature Board. The bar does not always represent the actual points that are remaining. We are currently using the Fibonacci Sequence. The screenshots are only for example purposes. Issue: (see 1-Logged_Time....
Guest over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Estimates without release capacity

As a Product Manager, I would like be able to capture feature estimates without having the release capacity feature. I don't track capacity at the release level -- at least not in the way Aha! seems to work today. I manage my capacity across all p...
Tom Beck almost 8 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

In UI move Releases to be after Features

Since product development moves chronologically from Ideas to Features to Releases, move Releases to be after Features in the UI so the order is logical.
Guest about 8 years ago in Releases 1 Will not implement

Change Color of Master Release

All of the master releases are pink. Anyway to change that? Or choose from a few colors?
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Proper Sub-Groups on the Gantt Chart

Sub-groups allow items on a Gantt Chart to be nested within other items. For example, you could have an item named 'Demo Prototype' within which you would list each individual demo, 'Sales Demo', 'Marketing Demo', Support Demo', etc. Currently thi...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 6 Already exists

Adding/updating Capacity for a release - Not real intuitive

When enabling capacity it is not real intuitive as to how capacity for a release is set within the Features Board; especially when it is originally showing as N/A.
Matt Case about 9 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Features for a Master Release

Add Features to a Master Release because some features are unique to the combination of sub-releases
Guest about 9 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Visualize initiatives and goals in the Release Portfolio view

The Roadmap Portfolio view is the clearest way to visualize "things over spans of time" - the Roadmap Timeline view seems to be more for "visualize things at points in time (releases)". The Roadmap Portfolion view would have additional clarity if ...
Guest about 10 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement