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Calculate Release Date Range from Epics

What is the challenge? There are teams who only use Epics in their workspaces, but the date range of Releases can only be calculated from Features. Moreover, there are no automation rules or integration mapping options to automatically update the ...
Hank Liu 10 months ago in Releases 3 Future consideration

Edit phases with out using edit "pencil"

What is the challenge? We would like to be able to interrogate release phases without hovering over to find the edit pencil How would you solve it? Allow users to click on the phase name to edit or view phase to-dos What impact would it make? time...
April Biebel 11 months ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Ability to filter added/removed records in retrospective report

Who would benefit? Product managers trying to control churn within a release What impact would it make? It would enable us to more readily use this OTB report in change management of a release How should it work? We'd be looking for better general...
Aha@IBM about 1 year ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Ability to move Release Phases from one Release to another

If I need to move a Release Phase & all it's To-Dos/Features into another Release instead, I have to recreate everything. Would be nice to just drag & drop the Phase into another Release in the Gantt view.
Guest over 5 years ago in Releases 4 Future consideration

When copying a release, we need the ability to opt-in (or out) of copying features as well.

We plan major releases on a quarterly basis. Once we finish overall quarterly planning under the quarterly release in Aha!, we copy the make a copy of the major release to create 2 minor releases as well to ultimately create a monthly release sche...
Claire A almost 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

In the release Gantt have the option to have sub phases

In the release Gantt have the option to have sub phases I would like to have a "Development" phase and sprint 0,1,2,3... phases under it as sub phases
Vered Yosub almost 5 years ago in Releases 3 Future consideration

Progress bar for roll-up releases

This functionality is available for every other record type, user expectation is that it you would also be able to track progress across all Releases within the Master Release. This is a request from our Senior Leadership team as well to track por...
Guest over 4 years ago in Releases 3 Future consideration

Easier way to search for shipped releases

What is the challenge? Based on the popularity of these 2 ideas, there is a pretty big need to more easily find shipped releases. The difficulty exists because it...
Max Robbins 4 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Import Release phases and milestones: name, start and due date

I have an MS Project export of a service provider. It includes phases and milestones only. Would be great I could CSV import that to a specific Aha! release. Sample csv looks like name start date due date plan 2018-10-08 2018-11-08 im...
Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 7 Future consideration

Increase word count limit for AI release notes or show warning to let me know I have too many records before starting to draft

What is the challenge? When drafting release notes, there is a limit of ~12k words across all the record names and descriptions. If I try to draft release notes with too many words, I have to start the process first, and then it eventually fails. ...
Chrissi McNamara 2 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration