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Show inherited Competitors in Matrix view

We have been trying to position competitors on the “Competitor Matrix View” at product level. However we were expecting to see the competitors we have loaded in at the root product level line to add to the matrix. When the “competitor matrix view”...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 2 Already exists

Option to hide select inherited personas at the product level

The desired use case to see supported is as follows: 1. Director of User Experience or Product Management creates (at the product line level) all possible personas for a product line.2. Each Product Owner then removes/hides (at the product level) ...
Matt Case over 7 years ago in Strategy 4 Will not implement

Need template to plan/define/capture Metrics for my product

What is the challenge? no template to work on metrics How would you solve it? new template What impact would it make? defining metrics ahead of the product lifecycle helps us monitor our progress
Guest 6 months ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

if you move a competitor to a workspace that has no competitors. it looks screwy

After I moved some competitors to a workspace that had no competitors, i went to view them and they looked entirely empty, with only a name, description and threat score or something. I thought maybe my data had been lost, so i added a new competi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Strategy 4 Likely to implement

Personal OKRs

Who would benefit? Organisations who use the OKR framework What impact would it make? Connect strategy from corporate level, through teams and to individuals. Connect the corporate red thread of strategy to the personal 'what's in it for me'. Help...
Steve Dagless 6 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Allow Attachments to be visible outside of the Detailed Business Model view

While editing each section of a Business Model, a user can add attachments. What is not user friendly is the attachment not showing up once the user is back on the main model view instead of the individual section detailed. The file did attach, bu...
Wen-Wen Lin almost 5 years ago in Strategy 2 Future consideration

Color code Goals and Initiatives

Who would benefit? Users of the Features Roadmap What impact would it make? Easier to visualize this association to a feature How should it work? Use colors to distinguish the different flags
Guest 7 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Initiative Backlog/ Parking Lot

We need the ability to manage a backlog/ parking lot of initiatives, so that we can plan our product strategy without listing them definitively in the initiatives area. Background as to why we cannot use ideas: We have an intake process that ca...
Guest about 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Enable Goal progress to update based on to-do's completed

The progress bar can be updated based on to-dos completed for releases and features ("Calculate based on to-dos completed"). I'd love this option to be available for goal progress as well. Use Case: A product management team is tracking milestones...
Meridith P over 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Add other key user groups like personas and competitors

It would be great if you could edit the persona name to something else if needed or to add another tab (like the persona or competitor) to track another business resource such as key suppliers.
Chris Waters almost 9 years ago in Strategy 3 Unlikely to implement