We need the ability to manage a backlog/ parking lot of initiatives, so that we can plan our product strategy without listing them definitively in the initiatives area.
Background as to why we cannot use ideas: We have an intake process that ca...
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
As a Product Owner, I need a Strategy Roadmap that shows Initiatives in the Gantt Chart with linked Features beneath each Initiative in the Chart, so I can see where each feature fits within the duration of each Initiative
Each Initiative has features linked to it. As I present the features that we have planned for each initiative I need to be able to show that the feature work will fit within the planned initiative timeframe. Also, when I describe each initiative, ...
Randon Morford
almost 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Hide initiatives of specific status' from Features
When creating initiatives there are times when they have not been approved or started. When a user is looking at a feature, I don't want them to be able to select initiatives that are not fully baked. If the status category of an initiative is eit...
Tom Beck
about 7 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
I love the flexibility of the Persona and Competitor sections and they are so good I actually use the product level one to build a really great looking business case template. I've attached the raw template - looks a lot better filled in and with ...
Paul Mundy
about 7 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Capture competitor features and link to product features
When I am asked to profile a competitor, I want to show their key features (screen caps, etc.) and then link those to features we have or are contemplating.
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Block adding children to closed or cancelled objects.
What is the challenge? Users are able to associate new features/epics to closed or cancelled initiatives What is the impact? Reporting on end dates for the parent is not reliable Describe your idea Force users to reopen parent OR select an alterna...
Melissa Miller
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Allow teams to leverage the power of worksheets to perform custom calculations on their key result data How should it work? Support referencing key results in wo...
Nathaniel Collum
11 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
It would be great if we could see the template while creating goals. While filling this functional equal consideration for everyone will be so much helpful.
about 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow Creative Briefs to be available in any workspace.
Creative briefs are a really useful feature, but at present, they are only available in the Marketing Workspace. Creative briefs are not something that is only used for marketing, often you may want to write a brief for a component of a product, s...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
The ability to archive Initiatives shouldn't be based on the timeframe value but status.
Timeframe can be leveraged by multiple resources, long in range, or not accurately updated.
The status reflects a "done" state and is a better indicator if so...
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement